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How do I create a public synonym in Oracle 11g?

How do I create a public synonym in Oracle 11g?


  1. First, specify the name of the synonym and its schema.
  2. Second, specify the object for which you want to create the synonym after the FOR keyword.
  3. Third, use the OR REPLACE option if you want to re-create the synonym if it already exists.

How do I create a user synonym in Oracle?

To create a private synonym in another user’s schema, you must have the CREATE ANY SYNONYM system privilege. To create a PUBLIC synonym, you must have the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege. Specify OR REPLACE to re-create the synonym if it already exists.

How do I create a Dblink synonym in Oracle?

Use the CREATE SYNONYM statement to create a synonym, which is an alternative name for a table, view, sequence, procedure, stored function, package, materialized view, Java class schema object, user-defined object type, or another synonym.

Where can I find public synonyms in Oracle?

select * from all_synonyms where owner IN (‘SCHEMA_USER1′,’SCHEMA_USER2’); If you are logged in as a particular user, then this will show all the synonymns private to the user. select * from user_synonyms; If you are looking for only public synonyms, this query may be close to what you are looking for.

How do I create a synonym for schema in Oracle?

Creating Synonym for Schema(User)

  1. select ksppinm, ksppstvl from x$ksppi a, x$ksppsv b where a.indx=b.indx and ksppinm like ‘%schema%synonym%’;
  2. SQL> select user#,name,type#,ctime from sys.user$ where name like ‘TEST%’;

Can you create a synonym without having a table?

Similarly, you cannot create a table or view with a name that matches a synonym already present. A synonym can be defined for a table/view that does not exist when you create the synonym. If the table or view doesn’t exist, you will receive a warning message (SQLSTATE 01522).

Can we create a synonym for view?

You can create a synonym for a table or a view that doesn’t exist, but the target table or view must be present before the synonym can be used. Synonyms share the same namespace as tables or views. You cannot create a synonym with the same name as a table that already exists in the same schema.

How do you grant privileges in Oracle?

To begin with, the Oracle 2-Day Security Guide points to the two distinct ways we first grant privileges. The first is simply granting single and individual privileges to a distinct user. For instance, a DBA might grant SELECT or UPDATE privileges to user SCOTT to table EMPLOYEE. SQL> GRANT select,update ON sys.employee TO SCOTT; Grant succeeded.

Are synonyms a substitute for privileges on database objects?

However, synonyms are not a substitute for privileges on database objects. Appropriate privileges must be granted to a user before the user can use the synonym. You can refer to synonyms in the following DML statements: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, FLASHBACK TABLE, EXPLAIN PLAN, and LOCK TABLE.

How to create a private synonym in another user’s schema?

To create a private synonym in another user’s schema, you must have the CREATE ANY SYNONYM system privilege. To create a PUBLIC synonym, you must have the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege. You’re trying to create a private synonym in READWRITE ‘s own schema, so you have to have to do: GRANT CREATE SYNONYM TO READWRITE;

What is the difference between public and private synonyms in Oracle?

When resolving references to an object, Oracle Database uses a public synonym only if the object is not prefaced by a schema and is not followed by a database link. If you omit this clause, then the synonym is private and is accessible only within its schema. A private synonym name must be unique in its schema.