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How do I redirect non www urls to www?

How do I redirect non www urls to www?


  1. Log in to Cloudflare and select the site where you want to put the redirection.
  2. Go to the Page Rules tab and create a new rule.
  3. Enter the URL and select setting as “Forwarding URL”
  4. Select the status code (301 if you want it permanently)
  5. Enter the target where you want to redirect.

How do I redirect a domain to www?

Click on the Redirects icon under the Domains area of your cPanel home page. Select your domain name from the drop down menu on the next line. In the redirects to text box, type in the full URL of your domain, without the www (e.g. http://yourdomain.com). Select the radio button next to Only redirect with www.

How do I redirect non www to https?

Simply replace your_domain.com with the domain name you wish to use the code for.

  1. To redirect non-www to www. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^your_domain.com$
  2. To redirect www to non-www. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.your_domain.com$
  3. To redirect non-www to www (while using SSL)
  4. To redirect www to non-www (while using SSL)

How do I redirect www to non-www Apache?

How to Redirect www to non-www in Apache htaccess

  1. Enable mod_rewrite. Open terminal and run the following command to enable mod_rewrite on Ubuntu/Debian systems.
  2. Enable . htaccess in Apache Server.
  3. Create .htaccess file.
  4. Redirect www to non-www in Apache htaccess.
  5. Restart Apache Server.

How do I redirect www to non-www Google domains?

Redirect your naked domain

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.
  2. From the Admin console Home page, go to Domains.
  3. Click Manage domains.
  4. Next to Primary domain, click Set up redirect or Change redirect.
  5. Enter the prefix or subdomain of the web address (typically, this is “www”)

What does RewriteCond %{ https off mean?

RewriteEngine On – Enables the Rewrite capabilities and allows us to use rewrite rules. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off – Checks if the connection is of the HTTP request type. When the condition is met, the next line is executed. We only want to redirect HTTP requests. If you omit this condition, you’ll get a redirect loop.

How do I Redirect non-www to CloudFront?

3 Answers

  1. www.domain.com “A” alias record pointing to your CloudFront instance.
  2. www.domain.com “AAAA” alias record pointing to your CloudFront instance.
  3. domain.com “A” alias record pointing to your CloudFront instance.
  4. domain.com “AAAA” alias record pointing to your CloudFront instance.

How do I redirect www to non-www digital ocean?

  1. step 1 — add the record. Go to https://cloud.digitalocean.com/networking#actions-domains and create a new hostname named www in as in the example below.
  2. step 2 — setup the redirect. Open the nginx config file in a text editor.
  3. step 3 — restart server. $ service ghost restart.
  4. step 4 — test the change.

How do I redirect a website from WWW to non-www?

DNS cannot redirect your www site to non-www. The only purpose of DNS is to point both www and non-www to your server’s IP address using A, AAAA or CNAME records (it makes little difference). The nginx configuration is responsible for performing the redirect from www to non-www.

How do I create a redirect for a specific domain?

Click on the Domain & SSL tile and select the desired domain. Switch to the DNS tab. In the search field, enter “redirect” and complete the entry by clicking on Search. All DNS entries for the redirect will be displayed. TXT records for redirects are only required for creation purposes and you can delete them afterwards.

What is the difference between a and CNAME records and 301 redirects?

The mechanisms you describe ( A and CNAME records vs. 301 redirects) are part of two different protocols (DNS and HTTP). A and CNAME records have nothing to do with which site your HTTP server serves for different requests. In both cases your canonical domain and your www subdomain resolve to

How do I forward my domain to Ionos?

If you have not yet done so, please log in to your IONOS Customer Account. Click on the Domain & SSL tile and select the desired domain. Select the Adjust Destination link on the Details tab. Click on Domain Forwarding. Select Your Domain or Arbitrary URL as Type.