
How do you add a method level comment in eclipse?

How do you add a method level comment in eclipse?

simple thing is ,you just type /** and press Enter on the top of method ,where you want generate comment . it automatically generates the element comment .

How do I add comments to an author in eclipse?

Simply go to: Window – Preferences – Java – Code Style – Code Templates – Comments – Types – Edit… and change ${user} to whatever you want. Also go to: Window – Preferences – Java – Editor – Templates – @author – Edit… and change ${user} to whatever you want.

How do I add notes in eclipse?

Bear the following in mind when using Add Javadoc comment (Alt+Shift+J): To add a comment to a field, position the cursor on the field declaration. To add a comment to a method, position the cursor anywhere in the method or on its declaration.

How do I add a comment to a Javadoc?

Adding JavaDoc comments The basic rule for creating JavaDoc comments is that they begin with /** and end with */. You can place JavaDoc comments in any of three different locations in a source file: Immediately before the declaration of a public class. Immediately before the declaration of a public field.

How do you add class level comments in Java?

By convention, in Java, documentation comments are set inside the comment delimiters /** */ with one comment per class, interface, or member. The comment should appear right before the declaration of the class, interface or member and each line of the comment should begin with a “*”.

How do you add a comment to a method in Java?

Adding Comments to Java Code

  1. Traditional comments: The first five lines of the listing form one traditional comment. The comment begins with /* and ends with */.
  2. End-of-line comments: The text //I?
  3. Javadoc comments: A javadoc comment begins with a slash and two asterisks (/**).

How do I change the author and committer in Eclipse?

What you need to do is to go to Window > Preferences > Team > Git > Configuration. Click on one of your projects to refresh the author and committer in Git Staging window and you’ll see that now you have new name and email there.

How do I create an author in Intellij?

Go to Settings -> Editor -> Live Templates , click the Plus Icon Button (on the right). In the “Abbreviation” field, enter the string that should activate the template (e.g. @a ), and in the “Template Text” area enter the string to complete (e.g. @author – My Name ).

How do you write a method level comment in Java?

For example, most Javadoc comments for methods include ” @param ” and ” @return ” tags when applicable, to describe the method’s parameters and return value. The ” @param ” tag should be followed by the parameter’s name, and then a description of that parameter.

How do I create a method level comment in Intellij?

Generate a Javadoc reference

  1. From the main menu, select Tools | Generate JavaDoc.
  2. In the dialog that opens, select a scope — a set of files or directories for which you want to generate the reference, and set the output directory where the generated documentation will be placed.

How do you comment a method in Java?

How do I add method level comments in Intellij?

Place the caret within a class, method, function, or a field, and press Ctrl+Shift+A . Type fix doc comment and press Enter .

How do I add a comment to a line in Eclipse?

When you want to work with comments in Eclipse, you could use the slow way of moving to the start of the line, pressing // and then repeating this for all the lines you have. Or you could use the quick way of adding a comment with a single keystroke no matter where the cursor’s positioned in the statement.

How do I add JavaDocs and comments in Eclipse?

Add comments and Javadocs in Eclipse with a single keystroke. When you want to work with comments in Eclipse, you could use the slow way of moving to the start of the line, pressing // and then repeating this for all the lines you have.

What is the shortcut command for comment in Eclipse IDE?

Shortcut commands in Eclipse IDE: CTRL + / –> to comment single line of code CTRL + / –> the same works to uncomment the same line of code, which is already commented CTRL + SHIFT + / –> to comment block of code consisting of 3 or more lines of code CTRL + SHIFT + \\ –> to uncomment block of code,

How to add a comment to a class in Java?

To add a comment to a class, the easiest is to position the cursor on the class declaration. Also works if you’re in the class, but not in a method, field or nested type. The Javadoc comment inserted is based on the Code Templates defined under Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Code Templates.