Common questions

How do you climb stairs with crutches?

How do you climb stairs with crutches?

Tips for Going Up the Stairs on Crutches

  1. Hold onto the handrail with one hand.
  2. Start close to the bottom step.
  3. Keep the crutches on the step where you’re standing.
  4. Push down on your crutches, and then step up with your weaker leg.
  5. Once both feet are on the same step, bring your crutches up to that step.

What is the rule for going up and down stairs with crutches?

When climbing up and down steps, remember this rule: Up with the good (unaffected leg) and down with the bad (affected leg). Note: If you’re supposed to keep all weight off your leg (non–weight-bearing), ask your healthcare provider for special instructions.

Can I rest my foot on the floor when non weight bearing?

The term non-weightbearing, sometimes prescribed simply as “N.W.B.,” refers to restrictions placed on you immediately after surgery. You will be advised to avoid putting the surgically repaired foot on the floor. This typically means no weight whatsoever, not even for a second or two whether standing or seated.

When walking down the stairs it is a good idea to?

Your feet should remain parallel when walking down stairs. It is important to place your foot flat on the step before lifting the rear foot and bringing it down to the next step to avoid tripping or falling down the stairs.

Is it better to use a walker or crutches?

Crutches are the most popular mobility option if you have an injured leg. Still, you may want a better alternative if you’re not really eager to have to deal with limited mobility and armpit and wrist fatigue. The consensus is clear that knee walkers are a modern and superior alternative to crutches.

How long does it take to go from partial weight bearing to full weight bearing?

Weight bearing typically happens over 2, 4 or 6 week period or sooner in some cases. This is determined by your physician based on your injury and healing status. You should follow closely to the instructions provided in order to avoid creating further issues by using the wrong protocol.

How far should you walk on crutches?

The key rule is to have about a two-inch space between the top of the crutch and your armpit while you stand straight. Then, the crutch handles need to be leveled with your wrists.

How do I go up and down stairs with crutches?

Down stairs Hold the handrail with one hand. If a friend is not available to carry one of the crutches, put both crutches in your other hand. Bend your unaffected knee, moving your crutches and affected leg down. Support your weight evenly between the handrail and your crutches. Slowly bring your unaffected leg down. Don’t hop.

What are the best tips for walking with crutches?

Tips for Walking with Crutches Carry items in a backpack. Do not hang or lean on your crutches. Support all your weight on your hands, not under your arms. Maintain good posture when walking. Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and support your feet. Be careful when walking on uneven or wet surfaces. Walk at a safe, comfortable pace.

How to go up and down stairs on crutches?

Hold both crutches in one hand, hold the handrail with the other, and with all your weight on your arms, bring the good leg up one step. Then bring the crutches up to that step and repeat for each step. Walking down stairs while on crutches is one of the most challenging and dangerous areas of mastering the use of crutches.