Common questions

How does the House of Lords differ from the House of Commons?

How does the House of Lords differ from the House of Commons?

The Commons alone is responsible for making decisions about money, like new tax laws. The Lords is the second chamber of Parliament. It is made up of about 780 members who are not elected. Some people inherit their status of Lord from their family (about 92 members of the Lords).

What governs the relationship between the House of Commons and the House of Lords?

The Parliament Act 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5 c. 13) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It is constitutionally important and partly governs the relationship between the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two Houses of Parliament.

What do House of Commons do?

The House of Commons is open and accountable to the public. The role of the House of Commons is to approve new laws and taxes, hold the Government to account, and debate the issues of the day.

What are the main differences in the composition of two houses of Parliament?

These two houses of Parliament primarily differs in their powers and functions. The tenure of Lok Sabha is only for five years, afte which it dissolves, whereas the Rajya Sabha is a permanent house, but after every two years, one third of its members retire.

Does the House of Commons have primacy over the House of Lords?

In Britain, the House of Commons has primacy over the House of Lords in all legislation relating to taxation and public spending.

What is the need of two houses in Parliament?

Lok Sabha represents the people, it is directly elected by the people and exercises the real power on behalf of the people, whereas Rajya Sabha represents the federal structure, it represents the interests of various states and regions.

What is the role of the two houses in passing a law?

Explanation: If the parliament has two houses, draft laws may move through each house simultaneously, or through the houses consecutively. Two house parliaments generally devise methods of reconciling different versions of the draft laws.

What is the difference between the House of Commons and Lords?

The Commons alone is responsible for making decisions about money, like new tax laws. The Lords is the second chamber of Parliament. It is made up of about 780 members who are not elected. Some people inherit their status of Lord from their family (about 92 members of the Lords).

What happens in the House of Commons?

The government and its opposition meet to debate the big political issues of the day and discuss proposals for new laws. The Commons is responsible for making decisions about money, like changing taxes.

What happens in the House of Lords?

The House of Lords debates new laws proposed by MPs, and makes suggestions about changes to those laws. If they suggest changes, the law then goes back to the House of Commons where MPs discuss the changes.

How many members are in the House of Lords?

The Lords is the second chamber of Parliament. It is made up of about 780 members who are not elected. Some people inherit their status of Lord from their family (about 92 members of the Lords). Others are chosen specifically by the Prime Minister because they are experts in their field.