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How is bacterial meningitis transmitted?

How is bacterial meningitis transmitted?

People spread meningococcal bacteria to other people by sharing respiratory and throat secretions (saliva or spit). Generally, it takes close (for example, coughing or kissing) or lengthy contact to spread these bacteria. Fortunately, they are not as contagious as germs that cause the common cold or the flu.

What is the reservoir for meningitis?

Humans are the only known reservoir for N. meningitis. The organism is spread primarily through intimate contact with the nasopharyngeal secretions of an infected person (i.e., through kissing, mouth to mouth resuscitation, sharing eating utensils, sharing smoking materials, sharing beverages).

Is meningitis B bacterial or viral?

Meningitis B is one type of meningococcal disease (frequently referred to as meningitis) caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. Meningitis can attack the brain and spinal cord and cause swelling in those areas as well as a serious infection of the bloodstream, called septicemia.

Who is most vulnerable to meningitis?

Anyone can get meningococcal disease, but rates of disease are highest in children younger than 1 year old, with a second peak in adolescence. Among teens and young adults, those 16 through 23 years old have the highest rates of meningococcal disease.

What is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis?

Several strains of bacteria can cause acute bacterial meningitis, most commonly: Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus). This bacterium is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in infants, young children and adults in the United States.

Where is bacterial meningitis most commonly found?

Meningococcal disease occurs worldwide, with the highest incidence of disease found in the ‘meningitis belt’ of sub-Saharan Africa. In this region, major epidemics occur every 5 to 12 years with attack rates reaching 1,000 cases per 100,000 population.

Why do college students get meningitis B?

Essentially, meningitis is more common in college students because of the nature of the setting. The young adults can’t escape large groups of people with constant close contact and proximity. Meningitis infection requires shared respiratory and throat secretions.

Can meningitis run in families?

Researchers have found “the strongest evidence so far” that genetic factors can increase the risk of a person developing meningitis.