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Is Good King Henry poisonous?

Is Good King Henry poisonous?

The name Good King Henry comes from the German Guter Heinrich (Good Henry) to distinguish it from Böser Heinrich (Bad Henry) a name for the poisonous plant Mercurialis perennis. Lincolnshire spinach, all-good, poor-man’s asparagus, perennial goosefoot, and mercury goosefoot are other common names.

What is Good King Henry used for?

Good King Henry is a close relative of the weed Chenopodium album, which as its common name – Fat Hen – suggests, was used to feed birds. This was what he thought I was trying to grow.

Does Good King Henry taste good?

It is a semi-wild plant, being cultivated as well as being found in the wild. The flavour resembles spinach and becomes increasingly bitter as the season progresses. The leaves, stalks and flower buds are edible. The leaves can be boiled, steamed or eaten raw in salads.

How can you tell a Good King Henry?

Uniquely identifiable characteristics: An Archaeophyte and the only perennial Goosefoot. The mealy leaves, which are longer-than-wide and vaguely isosceles-triangular, are scarcely lobed. The dense panicle of small flowers are usually without leaves within the flower-spike itself.

What is the best way to germinate King Henry?

Good King Henry is a perennial plant zone 3 – 9. Start seeds inside 4 – 6 weeks before last frost (around April 1st) at 75°. Plant seeds on top of moist seed starting mix, cover with a dome and expose to 8 hours of fluorescent light per day.

Is Good King Henry a herb?

Good King Henry is a hardy perennial herb with succulent shield shaped leaves. It has many other names such as Lincolnshire spinach, Fat Hen or Poor-man’s asparagus and has both many culinary and medicinal uses.

Is Good King Henry a perennial?

Good King Henry Perennial Green – Sustainably Grown Open-pollinated perennial, Zone 3-9, also known as Lincolnshire Spinach and Fat Hen. Or harvest the dark green arrow-shaped leaves like and use spinach.

When should I plant King Henry?

Direct sow Good King Henry seed outdoors from March to June in fertile, well-drained, soil, which has been raked to a fine tilth. Choose a position in full sun or semi shade. Sow seed thinly at a depth of 1cm (½in) in rows 30cm (12″) apart. Good King Henry seed may be slow to germinate.

What plants are good with King Henry?

Leave some shoots to develop through summer and by August, the young leaves will make an excellent alternative to spinach. Try Good King Henry leaves mixed with sorrel and chard leaves for their contrasting flavours – you can even eat the tender flower buds.

What is the best way to start King Henry from seed?

How long does Good King Henry take to germinate?

Start seeds in plug cells, or small pots in mid to late winter in good potting soil and keep moist until seeds germinate. As stated germination can be slow so some plants may germinate rapidly others can take up to 180 days so be patient and don’t throw out the pots too soon.