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Is Pine Gap a true story?

Is Pine Gap a true story?

In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, producer Felicity Packard explained that “[Pine Gap is] a real place but so little is known about it, it just gave us a wonderful opportunity to explore something while keeping it real.” The show uses the mystery of the Pine Gap facility to tell an original story about …

Is there NSA in Australia?

Australia is also a member of the Five Eyes surveillance alliance, alongside the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand. The country’s electronic eavesdropping agency, the Australian Signals Directorate, maintains extremely close ties with its American counterparts at the NSA.

What happens at Pine Gap?

Pine Gap is perhaps the most important United States intelligence facility outside that country, playing a vital role in the collection of a very wide range of signals intelligence, providing early warning ballistic missile launches, targetting of nuclear weapons, providing battlefield intelligence data for United …

Who was the traitor in Pine Gap?

Gus is shown to stay at Pine Gap after his father thinks that he had saved the President’s life. Gus and Jas resume their relationship, while Zhou’s meeting with Immy indicates that she must be the spy. At the last scene, it is shown that Eloise Chambers is arrested as the suspect.

Is there a US base in Australia?

U.S. Pine Gap is the commonly used name for a US satellite surveillance base and Australian Earth station approximately 18 kilometres (11 mi) south-west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory in the centre of Australia which is jointly operated by Australia and the United States.

Did Netflix cancel Pine Gap?

Netflix has removed two episodes of spy drama Pine Gap from its service in the Philippines following backlash over scenes featuring a disputed map. The scenes in question involve a map that depicts Chinese claims in the the South China Sea.

What are the white balls at Pine Gap?

The site is dominated by large ‘golf balls’ – or radomes – which conceal and protect satellite dishes. They are believed to control spy satellites about 36,000 kilometres above the Earth. High levels of secrecy and firm American control were stamped in the operation of Pine Gap in those early years.

Why did they cancel Pine Gap?

On Monday, the Southeast Asian country asked the streamer to remove certain episodes of the six-part Australian drama on the grounds that the map was a violation of the Philippines’s sovereignty. Netflix said the episodes were removed following “government demand” but did not elaborate further.

Will there be a Pine Gap Season 2?

Will ‘Pine Gap’ Get A Second Installment? There is no official information or announcement about the renewal as the show is a co-production and not just owned by Netflix. The decision to renew the show will be jointly decided between Netflix and ABC.

What is the name of the earth station in Alice Springs?

Pine Gap is the commonly used name for an Australian Earth station approximately 18 kilometres (11 mi) south-west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory in the centre of Australia which is operated by both Australia and the United States.

What is the name of the US satellite surveillance base in Australia?

Pine Gap is the commonly used name for a US satellite surveillance base and Australian Earth station approximately 18 kilometres (11 mi) south-west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory in the center of Australia which is jointly operated by Australia and the United States.

How many employees does the NSA have at Fort Meyers?

The facilities at the base consist of a massive computer complex with 38 radomes protecting radio dishes and has over 800 employees. NSA employee David Rosenberg indicated that the chief of the facility was a senior CIA officer at the time of his service there.