Common questions

Is this business name taken?

Is this business name taken?

Is my business name taken? The best way to find out if your business name is taken is to do a business entity search within your state, check Federal Trademark Records, and search the web to find businesses with the same or a similar name.

Is a business name taken?

How to Check if a Business Name is Taken. In most states, the website of the state business filing agency includes an online entity name check tool. You can use the online tool to search business names and find out whether another business is already using the name you have chosen.

What are some cool and catchy business names?

Dissect and understand why their business name works for them and how you can use those techniques in your own business name. Some of the top Cool and Catchy Firms are Lululemon, Google, Amazon, Apple.

How to choose a great brand name for your business?

A great brand name can give you an advantage in the business marketplace. Never use weak words in your business name. For example “second”. People will feel that you are not the best one in the industry and will look for your competitors. There are many directions where you can go with your catchy business name.

Which is the best business name for a startup?

Catchy & Cool Business Name Ideas 1 Seekiny. 2 Mediciny. 3 Dwellysmith. 4 SalesPushy. 5 Formony. 6 Brandingo. 7 Crowdystages. 8 Hipsonic. 9 QuickMove. 10 MetCon. 11 SwipyWire. 12 SecureSmarty. 13 Cloudrevelout. Business starts with a business idea and the next step is coming up with a business name. First of… More

What are some examples of clothing company names?

Here are some great examples of clothing company names to give you some ideas. Clever Clothing Company Names. 6th Avenue Streetwear. All Saints. Anvil Knitwear. Aqua Decor. Beach Life. Blue Collar Clothing. Body Zone Apparel.