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What can I plant near milkweed?

What can I plant near milkweed?

A few companion plants that come to mind include Joe Pye weed (Eupatorium maculatum), cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), great blue lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), coneflower (Echinacea), Mexican sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia), bergamot (Monarda), goldenrod (Solidago), ironweed (Vernonia), and various asters.

Where does milkweed grow best?

When & Where To Plant Milkweed Common Milkweed grows well in average garden soil. Swamp Milkweed, as its name implies, will do best in a moist environment, making it great for wet meadows or rain gardens. Tropical Milkweed performs beautifully in hot, humid conditions, and can be grown as an annual in the north.

What conditions does milkweed need to grow?

Most milkweeds require full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours a day). Because they self-seed readily, locate your plants in a part of the garden where you can better control their rampant spread, such as at the back of the border or in a corner.

Where should I plant showy milkweed?

Showy milkweed prefers full sun and will tolerate drought once the plant is established. It can be found in dry areas as well as mesic (medium moist) and will do fine in poor soils but needs good drainage. The mature plant height is about 4 ft (though this can vary widely with different conditions).

Will milkweed grow in shade?

they can tolerate a bit of partial shade, Milkweeds do best in full sun. Any companion plants should have similar cultural needs.

Is milkweed shade tolerant?

Swamp milkweed grows to a height of 3′ to 4′ and will form small colonies where conditions suit. Though it prefers full sun it is one of the more shade tolerant milkweeds and can take partial sun. The soft pink, lightly scented flowers are large and showy, and the lance-shaped leaves are well enjoyed by monarchs.

How do you grow Asclepias?

Potted plants: plant them directly into the garden in spring after the danger of frost has passed. Seeds: plant your seeds directly into the soil in the fall. As an alternative, you can start your seeds indoors, 4-8 weeks before the average date of last frost. Use plastic flats or seedling trays.

Do Monarchs eat showy milkweed?

Pros: Large, thick leaves can sustain more caterpillars. Monarchs use a nectar source and host plant. Low toxicity milkweed good news for pets, kids, and livestock.

Which milkweed plant do monarchs prefer?

Three species have particularly wide ranges and are good choices in most regions: common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), swamp milkweed (A. incarnata), and butterflyweed (A. tuberosa).

How deep do you plant Asclepias syriaca?

If starting from seeds, place about 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep in the soil. Stems will surface either alone or as part of a clump. Seedlings will flower by the second year. Asclepias syriaca prefers full sunlight and well-drained soil, typically only needing watering in extremely dry conditions.

What kind of plant is asclepiassyriaca?

Asclepiassyriaca Back to Previous Page More Images Species Native to Missouri Common Name: common milkweed Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Apocynaceae Native Range: Eastern North America Zone: 3 to 9

Why don’t Asclepias grow well from seed?

That’s because, for all of their toughness to natural predators and tolerance of growing conditions, Asclepias can be very sensitive to transplanting and handling. For that reason, I recommend starting yours from seed.

What does Asclepias syriaca look like?

Asclepias syriaca photograph by peganum. Asclepias syriaca grows two to four feet (60 to 120 cm) tall with a straight stem topped by balls of fragrant purple ball-shaped blossoms. The plant’s name comes from the milky sap that oozes when the stems and leaves are crushed or cut.