
What causes a cyst in the maxillary sinus?

What causes a cyst in the maxillary sinus?

The most common causes of mucoceles are chronic infection, allergic sinonasal disease, trauma, previous surgery and in some cases cause remains uncertain [1, 2]. The treatment of maxillary mucoceles is surgical including external approaches, marsupialization, Caldwell-Luc procedure and endoscopy [1–4, 9–11].

How do you treat maxillary sinus cyst?

Generally, treatment includes enucleation of the cyst and/or surgical excision, including endoscopic observation in some cases. Long-term multidisciplinary postoperative patient observation should be performed, especially in cases with high recurrence.

Are maxillary sinus cysts cancerous?

Malignant tumours of maxillary sinus are rare. They are usually diagnosed in the late stages when they perforate the sinus walls. The presence of large air space in the maxillary sinus facilitates asymptomatic growth of the sinus malignancy.

Are maxillary sinus cysts common?

Maxillary sinus retention cysts (MSRCs) are very common and most of them are asymptomatic and incidentally found on radiographs. Nevertheless, a few of them increase in size and cause symptoms by obstructing natural ostia of the maxillary sinus (MS) [1].

Do sinus cysts need to be removed?

If a lesion is discovered and it’s small, treatment may not be necessary. In fact, some maxillary sinus retention cysts will regress on their own. Your doctor may recommend monitoring it with periodic imaging. However, if your cyst is large or you are experiencing symptoms, treatment may be recommended.

Is maxillary sinus cyst symptoms?

In the majority of the cases it is asymptomatic, and discovered on routine radiographic examinations. However, in some cases, this cyst can become large and cause symptoms as paresthesia, sensitivity to palpation, chronic headache, nasal blockage, and dizziness. Conservative treatment is conduct in most cases.

Can a maxillary cyst go away on its own?

In fact, some maxillary sinus retention cysts will regress on their own. Your doctor may recommend monitoring it with periodic imaging. However, if your cyst is large or you are experiencing symptoms, treatment may be recommended.

What does a sinus tumor feel like?

Numbness or pain in your face, ears, or teeth. Teeth that become loose. Pus draining from your nose or postnasal drip. Frequent nosebleeds.

Can a maxillary sinus cyst cause dizziness?

Where do maxillary sinuses drain?

The maxillary sinus drains into the nose through a hole called the ostia. When the ostia becomes clogged, sinusitis can occur. The ostia of the maxillary sinus often clog because the ostia are located near the top of the maxillary sinus, thus making proper drainage difficult.

Can a mucous retention cyst be cancerous?

A maxillary sinus retention cyst is a lesion that develops on the inside of the wall of the maxillary sinus. They are often dome-shaped, soft masses that usually develop on the bottom of the maxillary sinus. Fortunately, a retention cyst of the maxillary sinus is a benign lesion, or non-cancerous.

Do sinus problems show on MRI?

An MRI scan from a patient with no sinus complaints at all is shown above — it has the classic “air-fluid” level seen in acute sinusitis. However, as noted below, the sinuses are generally pretty insensitive and it is common to see MRI or CT scans that look a lot worse than the patient.

What causes a maxillary sinus retention cyst?

Reasons and causes of a maxillary sinus retention cyst Maxillary sinus retention cysts are most often the result of inflammatory changes in the mucous membranes. Often, their formation is due to chronic diseases. As there is no normal tissues regeneration and the excretory ducts patency of the mucous glands is not restored.

What is pseudocyst cyst of maxillary sinus?

That is why pseudocyst cysts are located on the lower part of the maxillary sinus. These two subspecies of the maxillary sinus cyst can be quite difficult to distinguish from each other in clinical and radiological picture. But this does not change the tactics of treatment.

What are the treatment options for maxillary sinus lesions?

Surgery is the main treatment of the majority of maxillary sinus lesions except when they are asymptomatic and nonprogressive such as small osteomas and fibrous dysplasia, respectively (see below). Most lesions can be excised through an endoscopic approach with other approaches available for extensive, awkwardly positioned, or recurrent lesions.

Can a panoramic radiograph detect cysts on the maxillary sinuses?

Radiography of the maxillary sinuses is often undertaken using computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or the occipito-mental plain x-ray film projection. However the panoramic radiograph has been found superior to the latter for detection of ficyst-like densities.fl.