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What causes inhomogeneous broadening?

What causes inhomogeneous broadening?

Inhomogeneous broadening is an increase in the linewidth of an atomic transition caused by effects which cause different radiating or absorbing atoms (or ions) to interact with different wavelength components. In similar ways, absorption spectra can be broadened. …

What is homogeneous line broadening?

Homogeneous broadening is a type of emission spectrum broadening in which all atoms radiating from a specific level under consideration radiate with equal opportunity. If an optical emitter (e.g. an atom) shows homogeneous broadening, its spectral linewidth is its natural linewidth, with a Lorentzian profile.

What is homogeneous broadening in laser?

Homogeneous broadening means the line broadening is the same for all oscillating systems (e.g. natural/lifetime or collisional broadening). It exhibits a Lorentzian line shape. In a homogeneously broadened gain medium the laser modes supported by said medium will compete for gain.

What is line broadening mechanism in laser?

line broadening, in spectroscopy, the spreading across a greater wavelength, or frequency range, of absorption lines (dark) or emission lines (bright) in the radiation received from some object.

What causes pressure broadening?

Pressure broadening (also called collision broadening) is brought about by collisions between molecules or atoms, which can supply or remove small amounts of energy during radiative transitions, thereby allowing photons with a broader range of frequencies to produce a particular transition of a molecule.

What is power broadening?

The spectral width of an atomic absorption line, observed with a steady light source, typically increases as the light intensity increases, an effect known as power broadening.

What causes line broadening in NMR?

The degree of line broadening depends on many factors, including the transverse relaxation rate, the exchange rate, and the fraction of the ligand in the free and bound state. The 19F nucleus provides distinct advantages over the 1H nucleus for binding experiments.

What is pressure broadening of spectral lines?

Impact pressure broadening or collisional broadening: The collision of other particles with the light emitting particle interrupts the emission process, and by shortening the characteristic time for the process, increases the uncertainty in the energy emitted (as occurs in natural broadening).

What is line width broadening?

Macroscopic Doppler broadening If different parts of the emitting body have different velocities (along the line of sight), the resulting line will be broadened, with the line width proportional to the width of the velocity distribution.

What is FWHM in NMR?

The line width of a peak is defined by its Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) — the width of the peak measured at 50% of its maximum height.

What is spectral width NMR?

Spectral width (SW) is the bandwidth or range of the frequencies around a center frequency. Figure below. Following Nyquist theory, the general rule is that the resolution should be less than one half the width at the peak’s half-height. This ensures that there are at least 3 points to define each peak.

What is homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening?

Homogeneous broadening, as opposed to inhomogeneous broadening, refers to effects which increase the optical linewidth of an electronic transition by equally affecting different radiating or absorbing atoms, ions or molecules. The spectral shape of the transition cross sections of all involved atoms are then equal.

What is homogeneous broadening in spectroscopy?

Homogeneous Broadening. Homogeneous broadening, as opposed to inhomogeneous broadening, refers to effects which increase the optical linewidth of an electronic transition by equally affecting different radiating or absorbing atoms, ions or molecules. The spectral shape of the transition cross sections of all involved atoms are then equal.

What is homogeneous broadening in laser gain media?

Homogeneous broadening is strongly related to homogeneous saturation in laser gain media. See also: linewidth, inhomogeneous broadening, gain bandwidth, gain saturation. and other articles in the category physical foundations.

What is laser collisional broadening?

In a gas (e.g. of a gas laser ), all atoms or molecules of some species experience the same average rate of collisions, which lead to collisional broadening. In many laser crystals, laser-active ions can occupy only one type of site in the crystal lattice.