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What country is APO AE 09855?

What country is APO AE 09855?

ZIP Code Details

Zip Code: 09855
State: AE [Armed Forces Europe]
Multi County: No
City Alias(es): APO

What country is APO AE 09494?

ZIP Code Details

Zip Code: 09494
City: APO
State: AE [Armed Forces Europe]
Multi County: No

Where is APO AE 09096 located?

ZIP Code Details

Zip Code: 09096
City: APO
State: AE [Armed Forces Europe]
Multi County: No

What does AE mean in addresses?

COUNTRY: “STATE” Field Abbreviation Descriptions for Military Addresses. AE= Armed Forces Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Canada. AP= Armed Forces Pacific. AA= Armed Forces Americas (except Canada)

Where is APO 09354?

ZIP Code Details

Zip Code: 09354
City: APO
State: AE [Armed Forces Europe]
Multi County: No

Can I ship liquids to DPO?

Ships via the United States Postal Service (USPS) and is received daily. No restrictions on shipping liquids.

What is DPO AE?

All military addresses are treated as domestic mail, even if the actual destination is a foreign country. City – APO (Army Post Office)/FPO (Fleet Post Office)/DPO (Diplomatic Post Office) State – AA (Armed Forces Americas)/AE (Armed Forces Europe)/AP (Armed Forces Pacific)

Where is APO AE 09320 located in Afghanistan?

APO AE 09320 is U.S. Army Camp Phoenix, Kabul, Afghanistan. What is the APO AE address for FOB Finley Shields in Afghanistan? OPSEC please…..

What is APO AE 09227?

APO AE 09227 is an address element for U.S. postal mail to a U.S. overseas military facility. APO stands for Army Post Office. AE is a “state” abbreviation for U.S. armed forces in Europe and the Middle East. 09227 is a ZIP Code for a specific military unit or facility.

What is the difference between Apo and FPO ZIP codes?

Every FPO or APO zip code is different. APO = Army or Air Force Post Office; FPO = Fleet Post Office. Where is apo ae 09354? APO AE 09354 Bagram Air Force Base APO AE 09356 Camp Eggers APO AE 09320 Camp Phoenix APO AE 09310 Camp Fenty When mailing to your loved one serving on overseas make sure that you do not put a country on the label.

What is the APO address for Bagram Air Force base?

APO AE 09354 Bagram Air Force Base APO AE 09356 Camp Eggers APO AE 09320 Camp Phoenix APO AE 09310 Camp Fenty When mailing to your loved one serving on overseas make sure that you do not put a country on the label. Just their name, rank, APO, and base name. What is the APO address for shindand?