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What does English stand for?

What does English stand for?

ENGLISH. Emotions New Grammar Love Ideas Style Humour. Miscellaneous Funnies.

What does test stand for?

TESTAcronymDefinitionTESTTreadmill Exercise Stress TestTESTThe Simputer Trust (Indian Institute of Science and Encore Software)TESTThermal Energy Storage TechnologyTESTTrade in Environmental Services and Technologies (USAID)3

What does teacher stand for?

Tolerant, Energetic, Awesome, Caring, Helper, Excellent, & Responsible. Community » Educational. Rate it: TEACHER. Truthful Exemplary Able Creative Helpful Encouraging Role-model.

What is the full form of test?

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) or Thermal Energy Storage Technology (TEST) comprises a number of technologies that store thermal energy in energy storage reservoirs for later use. They can be employed to balance energy demand between day time and night time.

What is full form of Kiss?

KISS. Keep It Simple and Safe.

What is Fullform of God?

The Full Form Of GOD. G = Generator (Paida Karne Wala = BhrammaJi) O = Operator (Palne wala = Vishnuji) D = Destroyer (Sangharkarta = Shankarji) Basic’s is (Bhramma, Vishnu, Shankar)

What is the full form is India?

India is not an acronym. So, it doesn’t have any full form. India is a South Asian country. The name India is derived from the word Indus which itself derived from the old Persian word Hindu, from Sanskrit Sindhu.

What is full form of A to Z?

AcronymFull FormGo To Second Page( J – Z )ABAllahabad BankABAndhra BankABARSAutomobile Backward Automatic Ranging System238 •

What is Army full form?

There is no Full form of ARMY as such. An ARMY can be defined as a land force or a ground force that fights primarily on land. In broad sense, it is the land-based service branch, military branch, or armed service of a state or nation. However, we can say that the Full form of Army is Alert Regular Mobility Young.

Who gave name India?

The name “India” is originally derived from the name of the river Sindhu (Indus River) and has been in use in Greek since Herodotus (4th century BCE). The term appeared in Old English as early the 9th century and reemerged in Modern English in the 17th century.

Is India a girl’s name?

India is a feminine given name derived from the name of the country India, which takes its name from the Indus River. The name was used for India Wilkes, a character in the novel and movie Gone with the Wind. It was the 217th most popular name for girls born in England and Wales in 2007.

What are the 5 names of India?

India is known by many names – Jambudweepa, Al-Hind, Hindustan, Tenjiku, Aryavarta, and Bharat.

What was India in 1492?


Why are Indians called Indians?

The word Indian came to be used because Christopher Columbus repeatedly expressed the mistaken belief that he had reached the shores of South Asia. Convinced he was correct, Columbus fostered the use of the term Indios (originally, “person from the Indus valley”) to refer to the peoples of the so-called New World.

Who Ruled India first?

Samrat Ashoka

How old is India?

approximately 250,000 years

Who Ruled India 5000 years ago?

Around the 5th century BC, north-western parts of India faced invasion by the Achaemenid Empire and by the Greeks of Alexander the Great. A Persian way of thinking, administration and lifestyle came to India. This influence became bigger during the Mauryan dynasty.

Who ruled India in 1st century?

Maurya dynasty (c. 321–180 BCE)RulerReignNotesChandragupta Maurya321–297 BCEBindusara Amitraghata297–273 BCEAshoka the Great268–232 BCEHis son, Kunala, was blinded, and died before his father. Ashoka was succeeded by his grandson.Dasharatha232–224 BCEGrandson of Ashoka.5