Common questions

What does it mean to go out of order?

What does it mean to go out of order?

1 : not working properly : not able to be used The elevator’s out of order again. 2 : not following the formal rules of a meeting, court session, etc. At the last town council meeting, her proposal was ruled out of order by the mayor. The mayor ruled her out of order.

What does it mean to be on order?

on order in Retail Goods that are on order have been ordered but have not yet been delivered. Merchandise that has been ordered but not yet received is on order. Goods that are on order have been ordered but have not yet been delivered.

How do you say out of order?

out of order

  1. bonkers.
  2. broken.
  3. faulty.
  4. haywire.
  5. in disrepair.
  6. inoperable.
  7. kerflooey.
  8. on the blink.

What is out of order in law?

for a judge to direct that a party before the court perform a particular act or refrain from certain acts, or to direct a public official or court employee (like a sheriff) to take certain actions such as seizing property or arresting an AWOL defendant. (

Where did the term out of order originate?

In order “in proper sequence or arrangement” is from c. 1400; out of order “not in proper sequence or orderly arrangement” is from 1540s; since 20c. principally mechanical, but not originally so (“and so home, and there find my wife mightily out of order, and reproaching of Mrs.

What does out of ordinary mean?

Definition of out of the ordinary : unusual, different, or strange : not what is considered to be normal What happened is nothing out of the ordinary. Her taste is a bit out of the ordinary.

What does in the order of mean?

Definition of in/of the order of : around or about (a specified number) : approximately The government has spent in the order of ten million dollars on the project. He receives something of the order of 100 emails a day.

Is it inorder or in order?

To arrange; order; put in order. (computing theory) Of a tree traversal, recursively visiting the root in between the left and right subtrees.

What is the opposite of out of order?

delicate. gentle. kind. mannerly.

What do the word inoperable mean?

Definition of inoperable 1 : not treatable or remediable by surgery an inoperable brain tumor. 2 : not functioning : inoperative.

What does out of use?

Adj. 1. out of use – closed to traffic; “the repaving results in many blocked streets” blocked.

What is the difference between out of order and out of service?

Out of Order (OOO) is typically used when a room is being renovated, undergoing repairs, or cannot be used. Out of Service (OOS) is used to place a room in short term maintenance mode. Out of Service rooms do not deduct from inventory, which means the room will still show in the statistics as a valid room to be sold.

What does “out of order” mean?

The definition of out of order is something that is broken or not functioning properly. An example of out of order is a soda machine that is not plugged in or is not dispensing sodas.

What is the definition of out of order?

out of order. idiom. 1 : not working properly : not able to be used The elevator’s out of order again. 2 : not following the formal rules of a meeting, court session, etc.

What is a synonym for out of order?

Synonyms for Out of order: adj. •confused (adjective) higgledy-piggledy. •haywire (adjective) haywire. adv •out of commission (adverb) in repair. n. •broken-down (noun) defective, faulty, broken. Other synonyms: • disorderly, jammed. • broken, confused.

What is the abbreviation for out of order?

OOO stands for Out Of Order (execution)