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What does it mean when a sprained ankle is throbbing?

What does it mean when a sprained ankle is throbbing?

Your nerves are more sensitive after a sprain. The joint hurts and may throb. It’s often worse when you press on it, move your foot in certain ways, walk, or stand.

How do you know if your twisted ankle is serious?

People with a more severe ankle sprain — characterized by extreme bruising or swelling and an inability to bear weight on the foot without significant pain, or when there doesn’t seem to be any improvement over the first several days after the injury — should seek medical attention, Drs. SooHoo and Williams say.

Does a fractured ankle throb?

If you have a broken ankle, you may experience some of the following signs and symptoms: Immediate, throbbing pain. Swelling. Bruising.

What do you do when your ankle is throbbing?

Examples include:

  1. Rest. Keep weight off your ankle as much as possible.
  2. Ice. Place an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on your ankle for 15 to 20 minutes three times a day.
  3. Compression. Use a compression bandage to reduce swelling.
  4. Elevation.
  5. Over-the-counter pain medications.

Should I go to ER for sprained ankle?

Go to urgent care if your pain level and swelling is significant and you have difficulty walking, to the point that you need assistance, due to the pain. Go to the emergency room if your foot is bruised, deformed, or you are unable to walk at all. You may have a fracture, broken bone or serious ligament damage.

How do you tell if your ankle is sprained or twisted?


  1. Pain, especially when you bear weight on the affected foot.
  2. Tenderness when you touch the ankle.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Bruising.
  5. Restricted range of motion.
  6. Instability in the ankle.
  7. Popping sensation or sound at the time of injury.

How long do I rest a sprained ankle?

Recovery time from a sprained ankle will depend on the severity of the sprain. Most ankle sprains are mild and only need ice and elevation. Mild sprains typically begin to feel better in a few days to a week and heal by six weeks. More severe ankle sprains could take more than a few weeks or months to fully recover.

How long does a twisted ankle take to heal?

The recovery time for a sprained ankle varies depending on the severity of your injury. It may take anywhere from two weeks to heal a minor sprain and anywhere from six to 12 weeks to heal a severe sprain.

When do you feel immediate pain with a twisted ankle?

People usually feel immediate pain with a twisted ankle if it is severe enough to have sprained the ligaments. There are three grades of ankle sprain and symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the twisted ankle:

How serious is a twisted ankle ligament tear?

The severity of the ligament tear will depend on the severity of the twisted ankle. People usually feel immediate pain with a twisted ankle if it is severe enough to have sprained the ligaments. There are three grades of ankle sprain and symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the twisted ankle:

What happens when you roll your ankle and twist it?

Overview A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold your ankle bones together. Ligaments help stabilize joints, preventing excessive movement.

What does it mean when your ankle hurts above your ankle?

A break just above the ankle can cause severe ankle pain. Stress fracture: This is a crack or severe bruising in the small bones of the ankle, due to overuse and/or weakening from a loss of minerals. Medical ankle pain causes Medical conditions or other illnesses may result in ankle pain, such as the following.