Common questions

What does water-wise mean?

What does water-wise mean?

Water-wise refers to plants that evolved in regions with lower precipitation, thus requiring less water throughout the growing season than most residential landscape plants. But what does that mean? It typically means the length between irrigation or rain is an extended period of time.

Who owns Waterwise Botanicals?

Tom Jesch
Tom Jesch can best be described as engaging, innovative and enthusiastic. With a background in agriculture for over 40 years, he and his wife, Jackie became the founders of Daylily Hill, now Waterwise Botanicals, in the rolling hills of North San Diego County.

Is Lavender a water-wise plant?

One of the most fragrant plant families is the mint family (Lamiaceae). Some hardy, water-wise perennials in the mint family include: Lavender (Lavandula spp): With fragrant flowers and foliage, it’s hard to pass by lavender without stopping to appreciate the lovely aroma.

How do you become a water-wise kid?

22 Ways Kids Can Save Water

  1. Learn about water and why it’s important. Why is water so important?
  2. Don’t flush the toilet.
  3. Re-Wear those clothes.
  4. Don’t bathe so much.
  5. Share your bath.
  6. Reuse your bath water for plants.
  7. Take speedy showers.
  8. Reuse your towel.

How can I be water-wise?

Water efficiency: Avoid any form of watering between 10am and 4pm to avoid the heat of the day, when evaporation is high. Use a watering can or a trigger nozzle on a hose so that you only water those areas that need it. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around plants to reduce water evaporation and suppress weeds.

What is water-wise gardening?

Waterwise gardening cuts down on water wastage, while preserving the beauty of a garden and the natural plant diversity of an area. In this garden you will find plants that help South Africa save water. This garden was created by grouping plants according to their water needs.

How do you care for Pedilanthus Bracteatus?

Plant in full sun to light shade (leafy but with fewer flowers in deeper shade) in a well-drained soil and water sparingly to not at all. This plant has been hardy for us to down to at least 25° F and it is listed by some as being hardy to 20°.

Are roses water wise?

I noticed the water-drop symbol by the names of many roses at WATER WISE BOTANICALS in Escondido (formerly Daylily Hill).  That meant that these are “water-wise†– what are these roses about?

Are succulents water wise?

Indigenous, water-wise and oh-so-nice! Succulents are commonly recognised by their fleshy storage organs (found in the stems, leaves or roots), which enable the plant to store excess water and survive the most hostile, draught-ridden conditions, during which water is not readily available to the roots.

Why should we not waste water for Class 1?

We should not waste water for the following reasons. Water is essential to agriculture, using less water can greatly affect the availability of this essential commodity for growing food crops. Minimizing water wastage helps cut down costs on water and energy bills.

How can we use water wisely at home?

25 ways to save water

  1. Check your toilet for leaks.
  2. Stop using your toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket.
  3. Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank.
  4. Take shorter showers.
  5. Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors.
  6. Take baths.
  7. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  8. Turn off the water while shaving.