Common questions

What happens if you breathe in mold for a long time?

What happens if you breathe in mold for a long time?

Long-term effects of mold exposure increased risk of upper and lower respiratory symptoms. chronic sinusitis. fatigue. organ damage.

What happens if you are exposed to too much mold?

If you have a mold allergy, your immune system overreacts when you breathe in mold spores. A mold allergy can cause coughing, itchy eyes and other symptoms that make you miserable. In some people, a mold allergy is linked to asthma and exposure causes restricted breathing and other airway symptoms.

How can I test myself for mold exposure?

Testing for mold exposure using a mold urine test might seem counter intuitive but it is actually the best way to find mold in the body. Mycotoxin exposure is a serious medical issues that can cause other health problems, Realtime Labs uses small urine test to determine if you have been exposed to toxic mold.

How can you tell if you have toxic mold?

Toxic mold can also have a grayish, soot-like texture, or a slimy, wet surface. In some cases, you may even notice furry orange or brown spots. If you find mold with any of these qualities in your home, don’t get too close, and call a professional right away.

Can a doctor test you for mold exposure?

There are no proven tests that show when or where you may have been exposed to mold. But your doctor may check for mold allergies by reviewing your symptoms and performing one of the following tests: Blood test.

What are the symptoms of long term mold exposure?

Poor memory and confusion

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Tingling and numbness in your hands and feet
  • Appetite swings and weight gain
  • Increased thirst
  • Hair loss
  • Metallic taste in your mouth
  • Abdominal pain,bloating,and diarrhea
  • Muscle cramps
  • Joint pain
  • How much mold exposure is harmful?

    The simple answer is, there is no defined amount that is considered safe or unsafe. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have no published guidelines that tell us how much mold is good vs. how much is bad.

    What are the dangers of breathing mold?

    Allergies and Asthma. Breathing in too much mold or mildew can cause allergies.

  • Infections. The body’s immune system is designed to fight off foreign particles such as mold or mildew that enter the system.
  • Skin Irritation. If mold or mildew is inhaled or contacts the skin,rashes or dermatitis can occur.
  • Organ Damage and Cancer.