Common questions

What is a AQHA horse?

What is a AQHA horse?

A “Quarter Horse” is a horse registered with the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). The AQHA is the largest horse breed association in the United States and in the world. The Quarter Horse is named for its legendary speed when sprinting at distances of a quarter of a mile or less.

What is a quarter horse good for?

The Quarter Horse is named for its legendary speed when sprinting at distances of a quarter of a mile or less. This famous burst of speed is one of the reasons they are popular choices for competitive events such as barrel racing, team roping, or steer wrestling.

Can Quarter Horses read cows?

A horse with cow sense has the innate ability to “read” a cow (or bull, etc.). This uncanny ability to understand what a cow is thinking, and what it is liable to do next, makes Quarter Horses excel at ranch work, and also in competitive sports such as cutting and sorting.