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What is an AJP connector?

What is an AJP connector?

AJP connectors Apache JServ Protocol, or AJP, is an optimized binary version of HTTP that is typically used to allow Tomcat to communicate with an Apache web server. This functionality is typically required in a high-traffic production situation, where Tomcat clusters are being run behind an Apache web server.

What is the use of AJP connector in Tomcat?

Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) is used for communication between Tomcat and Apache web server. This protocol is binary and is enabled by default. Anytime the web server is started, AJP protocol is started on port 8009. It is primarily used as a reverse proxy to communicate with application servers.

What is Tomcat AJP 1.3 connector?

The AJP/1.3 Connector element represents a Connector component that communicates with a web connector via the JK protocol (also known as the AJP protocol).

What is AJP connector Tomcat 9?

The AJP Connector element represents a Connector component that communicates with a web connector via the AJP protocol. Use of the AJP protocol requires additional security considerations because it allows greater direct manipulation of Tomcat’s internal data structures than the HTTP connectors.

How do I know if my AJP connector is used?

How to check if the AJP connector is used in the server environment? 1) Check if any cluster or reverse proxy is used. 2) Also, check if the cluster or reverse server is communicating with the Tomcat AJP Connector service. If either is true, then the AJP connector is in use.

How do I disable AJP connector?

To disable the AJP protocol in Apache Tomcat:

  1. Edit the file server.xml.
  2. Search for the section,
  3. Comment out the AJP protocol configuration, from:
  4. Save the server.xml file.
  5. Restart Apache Tomcat. Reference.

What is Ajp thread?

The Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) is a binary protocol that can proxy inbound requests from a web server through to an application server that sits behind the web server. AJP runs in Apache HTTP Server 1. x using the mod_jk plugin and in Apache 2. x using mod_proxy_ajp , mod_proxy and proxy balancer modules together.

How do I enable AJP?

Configure Apache

  1. Navigate to your Apache directory:?
  2. Open httpd. confand scroll to the large LoadModule section.
  3. In my httpd.
  4. Create an ajp.
  5. Open ajp.
  6. Adjust the port to be whatever the port is in your Tomcat AJP connector.
  7. Once again, ensure you have the line in httpd.
  8. Restart Apache:

How do I disable AJP protocol port?


  1. Open the file that controls the AJP configuration in a text editor. $CONTRAST_HOME/data/conf/server.properties.
  2. Edit the the AJP settings to set enabled.ajp to false ajp.enabled=true ajp.port=8009.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart your TeamServer.

How do I temporarily disable the AJP protocol port?

How do I disable AJP protocol?

Is Ajp encrypted?

EDIT: AJP is not designed to be secure, if you need security, use mod_proxy_http and proxy over https, or create SSH tunnel.

What is AJP connector in Tomcat?

What is an AJP connector? Apache JServ Protocol, or AJP, is an optimized binary version of HTTP that is typically used to allow Tomcat to communicate with an Apache web server. This functionality is typically required in a high-traffic production situation, where Tomcat clusters are being run behind an Apache web server.

What is AJP in web services?

AJP (Apache Jserv Protocol) is basically a binary protocol that allows to reverse proxying requests from a FE Web Server to a BE Application Server, effectively propagating all the needed information to make the Req-Res flow continuing successfully. Subsequently, question is, how do I disable AJP?

What is the difference between the APR/native and AJP connector?

The APR/native connector will only listen on IPv4 addresses if configured with and will listen on IPv6 addresses and the equivalent IPv4 address if present when configured with ::. The AJP protocol passes some information from the reverse proxy to the AJP connector using request attributes.

What happens if no protocol value is provided for AJP?

If no value for protocol is provided, an HTTP connector rather than an AJP connector will be configured. The standard protocol value for an AJP connector is AJP/1.3 which uses an auto-switching mechanism to select either a Java based connector or an APR/native based connector.