Common questions

What is an other word for support?

What is an other word for support?

Some common synonyms of support are advocate, back, champion, and uphold.

What is another word for strong support?

What is another word for strong supporter?

mainstay backbone
support rock
upholder bastion
cornerstone strength
prop stalwart

What is another word for support service?

What is another word for support services?

social services casework
relief welfare
community service free school lunch
good works government-provided services
social welfare welfare work

What is a synonym for posse?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for posse, like: gang, vigilantes, band, civilian police, force armed with legal authority, group of deputies, police-force, law, police, (colloq.) crowd and throng.

How do you say good support?


  1. aid.
  2. assist.
  3. assistance.
  4. encouragement.
  5. endorsement.
  6. hand.
  7. relief.
  8. succor.

What is another word for support worker?

What is another word for care assistant?

healthcare assistant auxiliary nurse
carer health care assistant
nursing assistant healthcare worker

What is the word posse mean?

Definition of posse 1 : a large group often with a common interest. 2 : a body of persons summoned by a sheriff to assist in preserving the public peace usually in an emergency. 3 : a group of people temporarily organized to make a search (as for a lost child)

What’s another word for group of friends?

What is another word for group of friends?

gang cabal
clique coterie
crew in-crowd
lot brotherhood
clan club

What is another way to say support?

Some common synonyms of support are advocate, back, champion, and uphold. While all these words mean “to favor actively one that meets opposition,” support is least explicit about the nature of the assistance given. When could advocate be used to replace support? While in some cases nearly identical to support, advocate stresses urging or pleading.

What is a synonym for gaining?

Synonyms of gain. accretion, accrual, addendum, addition, augmentation, boost, expansion, increase, increment, more, plus, proliferation, raise, rise, step-up, supplement, uptick.

What is the synonym for support?

“his support kept the family together”; “they gave him emotional support during difficult times”. Synonyms: financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting.

What is another word for “in support of”?


  • carry
  • cherish
  • holdup
  • keep
  • keepup
  • maintain
  • prop
  • sustain
  • uphold