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What is CB zone?

What is CB zone?

The purpose of the community business zone (CB) is to provide pedestrian-friendly, mixed use development that both supports larger mixed use and commercial areas with its residential development, and provides small-scale retail, office and personal services for the local community.

What does zoned GB mean?

General Business District

What does w1 zoning mean?

Zone W1 Natural Waterways. 1 Objectives of zone. To protect the ecological and scenic values of natural waterways.

What is b2 zoning NSW?

B2 zone uses Commercial premises, such as shops and offices, medical centres, shop top housing and food and drink premises are all permissible uses in the zone. Prohibited uses in the zone include Heavy Industries, Industrial retail outlets, and Sex services premises.

What is a b3 zone?

ZONING DESCRIPTION SHEET “The B-3, General Business District is intended to provide areas for a range of commercial uses wider than that of Neighborhood Business but at a lower intensity than Central Business, meeting the general business needs of the City.”

What does b5 zoning mean?

The B5 zone provides for a mix of business and warehouse uses and bulky goods premises that require a large floor area in locations that are close to – and support the viability of – centres. It is the only zone which specifically mandates ‘bulky goods premises’ as a use ‘permitted with consent’.

What is ru4?

RU4 Rural Small Holdings This zone is generally intended for land which is to be used for small scale rural and primary industry production. Land within this zone might also provide for emerging primary industries and agricultural uses.

What is b4 zone?

The B4 General Business District provides for business and commercial uses of a thoroughfare-oriented nature. In addition to these uses, other businesses, which may benefit by drawing part of their clientele from passing traffic are permitted.

What is ru6 transition zoning?

Zone RU6 Transition To protect and maintain land that provides a transition between rural and other land uses of varying intensities or environmental sensitivities. • To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones.

What is e4 zoning Hills Shire Council?

The E4 zoning is quite restrictive and normally unsuitable to seniors living. In general, densities in this zone are typically around 5 dwelling per hectare and while the current development is well in excess at 30 dwelling per hectare, some additional yield would be needed to make the renewal feasible.

What is r5 zoning NSW?

Overview. • Land zoned R5 Large Lot Residential (R5), occupies almost half (43%) of all residential and village zoned land within the MidCoast but only accommodates a small percentage of the community (approximately 5,000 residents or 5% of the MidCoast population). • R5 land is typically located near a town or village …

Can I build on ru2 zoning?

In rural zones RU1, RU2, RU4 and R5 you need only a CDC to build a new house or to alter or add to a house. In RU3 you need to lodge a DA for approval to build a new house, but you can do alterations and additions as complying development.

What does r3 zoning mean NSW?

Medium Density Residential Zone

What does r1 zoning mean in NSW?

General Residential

What does zoning A mean?

A. R-A (Residential-Agricultural) Zoning District. The R-A zoning district is intended to provide for areas appropriate for detached single-family residential dwelling units and light farming uses, each located on a single legal lot; B. R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Zoning District.

What is the difference between r3 and r4 zoning?

He continued: “R4 means yes, you can build units, but you may only be able to build units up to a certain height. R3 may mean yes, you can build townhouses, but there may be restrictions on how many townhouses you can build on that site.”

What is an r3 property?

R3-2 districts are general residence districts that allow a variety of housing types, including low-rise attached houses, small multifamily apartment houses, and detached and semi-detached one- and two-family residences. It is the lowest density zoning district in which multiple dwellings are permitted.

Can I build duplex in r2 zoning?

The R2 zone is primarily for single dwellings, but dual occupancies and multi dwelling houses are also permissible. Home occupations are permissible without consent in R2 as long as they meet the requirements in the LEP. The following uses can be carried out with development consent: bed and breakfast accommodation.

What is the difference between r2 and r3 zoning?

R2 (Residential, Low Density) District. The R2 zoning district identifies areas of the City characterized by low density development. The R3 zoning district provides for the development of a wide range of multi-family dwelling units, including apartments and condominiums.

Is it cheaper to build a duplex than two houses?

Duplexes have one roof, one foundation, and one general exterior structure. If you are looking for a way to build two residences, building a duplex costs about 63% the cost of two single-family homes. In addition, two single-family homes need two separate lots of land, while a duplex can be built on one.