
What is communicative action planning?

What is communicative action planning?

Communicative planning is an approach to urban planning that gathers stakeholders and engages them in a process to make decisions together in a manner that respects the positions of all involved. It is also sometimes called collaborative planning among planning practitioners or collaborative planning model.

What is Transactive planning?

Transactive planning focuses on interpersonal dialogue that develops ideas, which will be turned into action. One of the central goals is mutual learning where the planner gets more information on the community and citizens to become more educated about planning issues.

What is collaborative planning approach?

Collaborative planning is an interactive process of consensus building and imple- mentation using stakeholder and public involvement. The researcher also identifies key questions for stake- holders to use in designing and assessing consensus-building processes.

Who are the key theorists of collaborative planning theory?

Notable theorists are Innes (1996) and Innes and Booher (1999; 2002; 2010) around the network society, power and the knowledge assumptions of consensus-building; Healey (1997; 2003) and the focus on collaborative planning and the communicative turn; Tewdwr-Jones and Allmendinger (1998) and their critique of Habermasian …

What is advocacy planning theory?

Advocacy planning is a theory of urban planning that was formulated in the 1960s by Paul Davidoff and Linda Stone Davidoff. It is a pluralistic and inclusive planning theory where planners seek to represent the interests of various groups within society.

What is rational planning theory?

The rational planning model is the process of understanding a problem by establishing and evaluating planning criteria, formulation of alternatives and implementing them and finally monitoring the progress of the chosen alternatives.

What is Blueprint planning theory?

Blueprint planning means that one prepares detailed plans for all that one intends to do before implementing any of the work. Implementation of the programs is widespread and management focuses on spending budgets to complete projects on time in a standardised manor.

What is Transactive theory?

Transactive memory systems theory is a theory about how people in relationships, groups or teams (we use these two terms interchangeably), and organizations learn “who knows what” and use that knowledge to decide “who will do what,” resulting in more efficient and effective individual and collective performance ( …

What are the critical elements of collaborative planning?

7 Essential Elements of Collaboration

  • Cooperation.
  • Assertiveness.
  • Autonomy.
  • Responsibility/Accountability.
  • Communication.
  • Coordination.
  • Mutual Trust and Respect.

Why is collaborative planning important?

Why use collaborative planning? Collaborative planning provides opportunities for teachers to work together during the school day to make those connections through examining their practice, consulting with colleagues, and developing their skills.

Who introduced collaborative planning?

Abstract. It has been over 20 years since Judith Innes proclaimed communicative action to be the “emerging paradigm” for planning theory, a theoretical perspective which has been developed into what is known as collaborative planning theory (CPT).

How do you write an advocacy plan?

Creating Your Advocacy Plan

  1. Identify an advocacy challenge or opportunity.
  2. Determine the key audiences.
  3. Find out what those audiences currently know or perceive.
  4. Determine how each audience receives its information.
  5. Establish measurable objectives for each audience.
  6. Define message points for each audience.

How does communicative planning influence action?

What planners do most is talk and interact; it is through communicative practice that they influence public action. This paper contends that communicative planning requires a new concept of information and how it influences action—namely, a concept of communicative rationality, supplementing instrumental rationality.

What is the theory of communicative action?

The theory of communicative action has a transformative impact on the design of the planning process in the planning field. Participants engage in open debate through which they explore each other’s concerns and the context of these concerns.

What is communicative theory in planning?

Specific to a community and urban planning context, communicative theory acknowledges that planners’ own actions, words, lived experiences, and communication styles have an effect on the planning process the planner is facilitating.

What is communicative planning in urban development?

Communicative planning. Communicative planning is an approach to urban planning that gathers stakeholders and engages them in a process to make decisions together in a manner that respects the positions of all involved.