What is developmental supervision model?
What is developmental supervision model?
The integrated developmental model of clinical supervision (IDM) posits that professional development occurs in a domain-specific manner, indicated by changes in three over-arching structures that serve as markers for development. Similar changes occur for the structures of motivation and autonomy across levels.
What are supervision models?
Underlying developmental models of supervision is the notion that we each are continuously growing, in fits and starts, in growth spurts and patterns. In combining our experience and hereditary predispositions we develop strengths and growth areas. The object is to maximize and identify growth needed for the future.
What are the theories and models of professional supervision?
There are three models and theories on supervision that have become widely popular: theory X, theory Y and theory Z. While these three models take different approaches to supervision, skilled and experienced managers can combine elements of each and to apply different models to varying workplace situations.
What is the clinical supervision model?
As explained above, clinical supervision started as the practice of observing, assisting, and receiving feedback. In this way, supervision follows the framework and techniques of the specific psychotherapy theory/model being practiced by the supervisor and supervisee.
What are developmental models?
Developmental Models A developmental model serves as a guide against which client behavior can be compared. For example, one model used to assess individuals’ behavior is based on eight stages of psychosocial development from birth to late adulthood as defined by 20th century psychoanalyst Erik Erikson.
What are the three types of supervision?
There are three types of supervision: administrative, clinical (also called educational supervision) and supportive supervision. The most basic function of administrative supervision is to ensure that work is performed.
What are the two models of development?
Answer: Two models of development are the capitalist and socialist models of development, India adopted the elements from both these models together to be known as “Mixed Economy”.
What is IDM supervision?
IDM Supervision: An Integrative Developmental Model for Supervising Counselors and Therapists, 3rd Edition.
What is an example of Integrative supervision?
Examples of Integrative supervision models include: Bernard’s (1979) discrimination model, Holloway’s (1995) systems approach to supervision, Ward and House’s (1998) reflective learning model, and Greenwald and Young’s (1998) schema-focused model (Haynes, Corey, & Moulton, 2003).
What is the feminist model of supervision?
Feminist Model of Supervision : Feminist theory affirms that the personal is political; that is, an individual’s experiences are reflective of society’s institutionalized attitudes and values (Feminist Therapy Institute, 1999).
What is psychotherapy-based supervision?
Psychotherapy-Based Supervision Models As explained above, clinical supervision started as the practice of observing, assisting, and receiving feedback. In this way, supervision follows the framework and techniques of the specific psychotherapy theory/model being practiced by the supervisor and supervisee.