
What is human?

What is human?

Made of exclusive aerial footages and first-person stories, filmed in 60 countries during two years, HUMAN by Yann Arthus-Bertrand draws a portrait of nowaday’s Humanity. To share this unique experience everywhere to everybody, HUMAN exists in several versions : A theatrical version (3h11), a TV version (2h11) and 3 YouTube volumes.

What defines us as modern humans?

This video from Bones of Turkana focuses on some of the traits that define us as modern humans. The three traits described are bipedalism, language, and tool making. This video assumes some familiarity with the theory of evolution, the process of how organisms developed from earlier forms of life.

How did tool making increase the need and opportunity for hominids?

Tool making increased the need and opportunity for hominids to share knowledge of tool making and exchange materials with other groups. science of the origin, development, and culture of human beings. physical change in an organism that results over time in reaction to its environment.

How did tool making impact the development of early humans?

They could hunt more food and expend less energy to do so. How did tool making impact the advent of language? Tool making increased the need and opportunity for hominids to share knowledge of tool making and exchange materials with other groups. science of the origin, development, and culture of human beings.