
What is i3lock?

What is i3lock?

i3lock is a simple screen locker like slock. After starting it, you will see a white screen (you can configure the color/an image). You can return to your screen by entering your password.

Where is the i3lock config?

E.g. sudo apt install i3lock xautolock . To setup the keybinding Ctrl+Alt+l (last one is a lowercase L) to lock the screen append the following lines to the i3 configuration file located at ~/. config/i3/config .

How do I lock i3wm?

To lock your screen, you can use any screen locker, such as i3lock. To logout, press Mod+shift+e (like exit).

How do I set up i3lock?

adding i3lock to config file

  1. copy copy /etc/i3/config to ~/.i3/config.
  2. $ vim .i3/config.
  3. scroll down and add following line to file: bindsym Mod1+l i3lock -c 000000 .
  4. Save file.
  5. Reload i3 with Mod1+Shift+R.
  6. Try login out with shortcut Mod1+l but it doesn’t work.

Is i3wm safe?

The i3 scored 86% for adult occupant protection and 81% for in the child occupant category. While these scores are decent, a 57% pedestrian protection result affected the i3’s overall star rating. All i3s come with six airbags, electronic stability control and a seatbelt reminder buzzer as standard.

How do I lock Linux?

To lock your screen before you leave your desk, either Ctrl+Alt+L or Super+L (i.e., holding down the Windows key and pressing L) should work. Once your screen is locked, you will have to enter your password to log back in.

How do I lock my LightDM?

Lock screen in LightDM using gnome-screensaver

  1. Installing gnome-screensaver. apt install gnome-screensaver.
  2. Invoking light-locker when hybernate / sleep. This works right out of the box, no configuration needed.
  3. Setting up Super + L shortcut.

How do I refresh i3?

For most ~/i3/config changes, press $mod+Shift+c to reload the file and activate changes.

Are tiling window managers better?

Well, yes and no. Tiling WM can indeed speed up your work when you mostly use terminal apps. It is so easy to open a new terminal (usually just press Super + Enter). That’s simply because forced tiling can make some apps behave weird and you will need to add specific configurations to your WM to make them usable.

What is Ctrl S in Linux?

Ctrl+S: Stop all output to the screen. This is particularly useful when running commands with a lot of long, verbose output, but you don’t want to stop the command itself with Ctrl+C. Ctrl+Q: Resume output to the screen after stopping it with Ctrl+S.