Common questions

What is scope of practice in EMT?

What is scope of practice in EMT?

Scope of practice In general, EMTs provide what is considered basic life support (BLS) and are limited to essentially non-invasive procedures. EMT-Bs can typically also administer certain non-preprescribed drugs including oxygen, oral glucose, and activated charcoal (usually upon medical direction).

What does EMT-basic cover?

This course is the required course for any person seeking to become a state certified Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMT-B). They are: Preparatory, Airway Management, Patient Assessment, Medical Emergencies, Trauma Emergencies, Infants and Children and Operations.

Can EMT-basic do IV?

Basic level EMTs are not trained or authorized to place/insert IV lines in patients. There are higher-level EMTs in some areas that are allowed to start IV lines. Inserting an IV is considered an advanced skill (sometimes called an invasive skill) that needs special training to be certified to perform.

What can an EMT not do?

With very few exceptions, the primary restriction for EMTs is they can’t perform anything that breaks the skin, including injections or IVs. But they are able to give patients oxygen, treat an asthma or allergy attack, or perform CPR. A paramedic has a much broader scope in what they can do in the field.

Can EMTs push meds?

Certified EMTs may perform all procedures and administer all medications contained in the current 6000 Series WV EMS System Protocols. Medications authorized for administration by EMTs are: Activated Charcoal. Albuterol.

Do paramedics intubate?

The paramedic opens the airway bag and prepares to intubate the patient. The paramedic grabs the ET tube and inserts it into his airway. He then holds the tube in place, inflates the cuff, and the EMTs remove the mask from the BVM and begin ventilating through the ET tube.

Is EMT same as paramedic?

EMTs can handle most of the basic health procedures like performing CPR and using oxygen on a patient, and paramedics can perform more complex procedures like inserting IV lines, administering drugs, and more. Both EMTs and paramedics work within emergency medical services teams.

What drugs can EMTs give?

Medications authorized for administration by EMTs are:

  • Activated Charcoal.
  • Albuterol.
  • Aspirin.
  • Epinephrine, 1:1,000 via EpiPen® or vial.
  • Nitroglycerin (Tablet or Spray)
  • Oral Glucose Gel.
  • Oxygen.
  • Tylenol.

What’s new for Paramedic assessment skills for Georgia?

Also separated the Post-Licensure Skills for Paramedics from the main Scope of Practice. 4/23/2020 – Added “Perform specimen collection for infectious diseases.” to Assessment Skills. This was added to help the COVID-19 specimen collection and testing efforts in Georgia.

What does EMS continuing education consist of?

The EMS continuing education should consist of educational activities designed to promote and enrich knowledge, improve skills, and develop attitudes for the enhancement of professional practice, thus improving the quality of emergency medical services provided to the public.

When will the post-licensure skills for paramedics be mandatory?

4/23/2020 – Extended the mandatory date of compliance with the Post-Licensure Skills for Paramedics to January 1, 2021. Also separated the Post-Licensure Skills for Paramedics from the main Scope of Practice.

What do I need to know about EMS training?

Licensees will need to maintain verification records of this training. All initial EMS education classes starting on or after January 1, 2019, will be required to include this training (online or classroom) as part of successful course completion for their students.