
What is second flush Darjeeling tea?

What is second flush Darjeeling tea?

The second flush comes from leaf harvested in June. Unlike the first flush this tea tends to be much more bold in flavor with full body and deeper amber color. It is often said to have a muscatel flavor which is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a sweet fortified wine from muscat grapes” (Merriam-Webster).

Which Darjeeling tea is better first flush or second flush?

For green tea the first flush will always be the best one. Same is true for white and oolong teas. Darjeeling teas are less oxidized than other black teas, so freshness is important. On the other hand, Assam second flush is often considered better than the first one, bull bodied with malty and rich flavor.

What does 2nd flush tea mean?

Second flush tea is a product of early summer. The tea from this season is considerably darker compared to first flush. The body of a second flush tea is mid to heavy with aroma that ranges from nutty to fruity. There is one much sought after flavor note in second flush tea which is described as muscatel.

How do you make second flush Darjeeling tea?

To Make a Pot of Darjeeling Tea If you have the first flush Darjeeling tea, heat water to 80-85C. For the second flush or autumn flush, heat water to 85-95-C. Add one teaspoon for each cup into the teapot. If you are making an 8 oz cup, then add around 3gm of tea.

What is Darjeeling tea good for?

The polyphenols in Darjeeling tea stimulate good bacteria growth in your digestive system. Higher levels of bad bacteria may contribute to obesity, while good bacteria helps you lose weight. Compounds in black tea may help slow bacterial growth, preventing dental cavities and plaque.

What is the difference between Darjeeling and Assam tea?

Darjeeling blends are a little bit spicier than Assam brews. Darjeeling brew tastes best without milk and sugar. Delicate muscatel flavor of Darjeeling tea makes it the “Champagne of Teas”. On the contrary, Assam blends taste best with milk and sugar because of their robust and full-bodied flavor.

What does Darjeeling tea do in the body?

Should you rinse Darjeeling tea?

To make a cup of Darjeeling tea Warm the cup or mug by rinsing it with hot water. Place the infuser in the cup.

Do you put sugar in Darjeeling tea?

Do Not Add Sugar and Milk Make sure you’re getting the actual taste of Darjeeling tea by avoiding sugar and milk altogether. That being said, there is no harm in adding a few drops of lemon juice to complement the tea’s taste.

Is Darjeeling tea bad for you?

Though regularly drinking Darjeeling tea could support your health in multiple ways, drinking too much of the beverage could have some risks as well: May affect digestion. Consuming too many tannin plant compounds from any type of tea can cause nausea and constipation and reduce iron absorption ( 28 , 29 ).

What is the difference between green tea and Darjeeling tea?

Darjeeling teas are available as either black or green tea. Black tea and green tea are made from the same tea leaves. Black Darjeeling tea is a fermented tea; Green Darjeeling tea is an unfermented tea. To prevent fermentation, Green Darjeeling undergoes a process of steaming immediately after it is plucked.

What is Darjeeling famous for?

Darjeeling is a town in the Indian state of West Bengal . It is located in the Lesser Himalayas . It is famous for its tea gardens and tea industry. Other attractions are the spectacular view of Kangchenjunga and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What does Darjeeling tea taste like?

The taste of Darjeeling tea is as mysterious as the hill and the Himalayas. The unique flavour of Darjeeling comes from its bushes and its intricate harvesting and processing. It is lighter and less astringent than most black tea, but more layered and complex than most greens.

What is Darjeeling tea?

Darjeeling tea. Darjeeling tea is a tea grown in the Darjeeling district in West Bengal, India, and widely exported and known. It is processed as black, green, white and oolong tea. When properly brewed, it yields a thin-bodied, light-coloured infusion with a floral aroma.

What is Darjeeling tea for?

Darjeeling teas have many health benefits, including preventing heart disease, cancer, tooth decay and obesity, notes Healthy Eating. Drinking Darjeeling teas helps to strengthen the immune system and lower cholesterol.