
What is the message of the song of the rain?

What is the message of the song of the rain?

This poem is an ode to nature. It is a beautiful poem that gives the message that nature is beautiful and rain is a lovely gift of nature given to mankind.

Who can understand the song of the rain?

The welcome song of the rain is heard by all. But only those who are sensitive and can feel can understand its meaning and enjoy it. Question 9: How has rain been personified in the poem ‘Song of the Rain’?

What is personified in the poem Song of the rain?

The rain has been personified – human qualities of mercy, humility, concern and consideration have been attributed to the rain all through the poem. Clouds and fields projected as lovers have also been personified.

What is the tone and mood of the poem Song of the rain?

The tone of the poem ‘Song of the Rain’ is one of happiness and joy. The poet is happy at the sight of the rain and the poem describes the role of the rain on the earth. The rain is a symbol of life and freshness and this happiness is passed into the person who watches it. I hope you find this answer helpful.

What is the moral of the poem the voice of the rain?

The poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’ by Walt Whitman signifies the eternal role that the rain plays in nurturing, quenching and purifying the various elements of Earth. The rain returns the favour to its place of origin from where it rises unseen from the depths of the water and from the land.

What is the theme of the poem Rainbow written by Khalil Gibran?

In this poem, Kahlil Gibran celebrates rain as the life-giving force of this earth. The poem is written in the voice of the rain. The rain says that as it falls from the sky, it looks like silver threads dropped from heaven by the gods. Rain causes flowers to bloom and decorate nature’s fields and valleys.

Which feel is brought to the poet by the rain?

Answer: When it rains, the child is reminded of his mother. When it rains, the poet feels happy to press the pillow of his bed and lie listening to the patter of the rain.

What actions of rain bring pleasure to others?

What actions of rain bring pleasure to others? Why? Answer: When rain falls to the ground and humbles itself by falling from the sky on to the earth, all living things are happy.

What are the functions performed by the rain?

Rain plays a crucial role of thermo-regulation in the earth, being a part of wter cycle. Rain circulates water, which is necessary for the plants and animals to survive. If there were no rain, only place life could exist on land was near the coasts. Rain acts as a mode of irrigation of crops.

What does the rain give to her own origin?

1) The rains origin is actually the bottomless sea. The water evaporates and goes up in the sky in the form of water vapour and then comes down as rain and fills up the sea. So, it gives birth to its own origin.

What does the poet compare the rain with?

The poet compare the rain with a song. The poet draws similarities between rain and music observing that the life-cycle of rain and song are alike. Both are perpetual in nature. Similarly, rain originates from the earth, and after fulfilling its tasks, returns to its own origin only to spread beauty, purity and love.

What is rain compared to in the poem Song of rain?

Walt whitman says that rain is the poem of the earth, and compares it to music. Music and poetry rises from deep within our soul, and makes an impression on the people who are listening to it and inspires them.

What does Kahlil Gibran say about rain in this poem?

In this poem, Kahlil Gibran celebrates rain as the life-giving force of this earth. The poem is written in the voice of the rain. The rain says that as it falls from the sky, it looks like silver threads dropped from heaven by the gods. Rain causes flowers to bloom and decorate nature’s fields and valleys.

What is the poem Song of the Rain about?

“Song of the Rain” is a beautiful poem appealing to the sensitive hearts touched by the heavenly beauty of rains. The poet Kahlil Gibran has composed this poem as a eulogy in praise of rain and its affection for earth. The poem is written in the first person, and rain itself is the speaker.

How many stanzas are there in song of the rain?

“Song of the Rain” by Khalil Gibran is an autobiography of the rain. The poem consists of 10 stanzas. Each of these stanzas is again made up of variable numbers of lines. The 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd and 9 th stanzas are made up of 3 lines. The 4 th, 6 th, 7 th, 8 th and 10 th stanzas are made up of 4 lines.

Who is Khalil Gibran?

Khalil Gibran born on January 6, 1883 was a Lebanese poet, artist, and writer. As a young man, he immigrated to the United States where he studied art and began his literary career; writing both in English and Arabic. In the Arab world, he is considered as a political rebel and in Lebanon, he is a literary hero.