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What is the rarest Petoskey Stone?

What is the rarest Petoskey Stone?

The rare Pink Petoskey Stone is one thing we especially covet. We do not find many of these beauties, but when we do, we save them for jewelry or for collector pieces. Research has shown that the pink coloration happened during the calcification when small amounts of iron permeated the Calcite.

Is it illegal to pick up Petoskey stones?

Although Petoskey stone collection is strictly prohibited on federal lands, such as the National Lakeshore, rock hunters may still collect up to 25 pounds of stones per year outside of the Park, on state-owned lands. Petoskeys are the official state stone and very abundant along Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

What’s the biggest Petoskey Stone ever found?

In the late 1990s, the largest Petoskey Stone yet discovered, a one-ton monolith, was found by an amateur fossil hunter at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (outside of Traverse City).

Are Petoskey stones valuable?

Unpolished, quality Petoskey stones are available at an average of around $4 per pound. This price is for about 2-5 stones per pound. Some online sites charge up to $10 for a pound of raw, unpolished, small stones–up to seven stones to a pound. …

What is a Charlevoix stone?

The Charlevoix stone is a Favosite which have a smaller coral-esq pattern and a lighter or white color set of small rays radiating from the eye forming the characteristic hexagonal shape which are lighter and they don’t always attach to the center dot.

What does soaking Petoskey stones in vinegar do?

The acidity of the vinegar will help dissolve excess particles, revealing the tiny crevices of the fossil. Let the fossil soak for about two minutes.

What makes a Petoskey stone pink?

Note: Keep an eye out for the rare “Pink Pets” Petoskey Stones. The pink hue is a result of the iron that permeated the coral as it calcified. If you’re hunting in a dry area carry a water bottle to spray likely candidates to bring out that pattern. Get some great tips from the one of our local rock hounds.

What is the legend of the Petoskey Stone?

Folklore: The Myth, the Legend, the Petoskey Stone According to legend, this chief was the child of a French fur trader who was a descendent of nobility and a daughter of a Native American chief. As Pet-O-Sega was born sun rays fell on his face, signifying the rays of promise that his life would provide.

What is a pudding rock?

Formally, pudding stones are a type of sedimentary rock known as conglomerate. Michigan’s pudding stones are conglomerates that have been metamorphosed into a metamorphic rock called quartzite. Pudding stones first got their name from their similarity to European settlers’ favorite fruit pudding dishes.

How do you make Petoskey stones shiny?

To polish a Petoskey stone by hand, start with a file to smooth the stone or do any other rough shaping. When you have the shape you want, sand with a 220 grit. Hold the dampened stone firmly in one hand and rub the area of the stone to be polished on the sandpaper with a steady, rotating motion.

What do Petoskey stones symbolize?

The story behind the meaning of the Petoskey Stone is ingrained into Michigan’s local history and reflects the unique history of this state. The meaning of the Petoskey Stone originates as a Native American name, Pet-O-Sega, which translates to ‘Sunbeams of Promise”, “Rising Sun”, or “Rays of Dawn”.

Where can you find Petoskey stones in Michigan?

Petoskey stones can also be found in gravel pits throughout the state of Michigan, where retreating glacial activity left the stones high and dry. Some have even ended up in roadbeds around the state, so it’s hard to predict where you might find these fossilized treasures.

How did the Petoskey stone get its name?

The six-sided coral formations filled with radiating lines may be reminiscent of the sun shining off the newborn’s eyes, but they were probably named because they are found in quantity near Petoskey, Michigan. Fourth, the child-man became important because these Petoskey stones were declared the official state stone.

How big is a Petoskey stone?

Petoskey stone specimens range in size from pebbles just a few inches long to large stones weighing up to 1,000 pounds. There is even one specimen estimated to weigh a ton.

Can Petoskey stone be put in a rock tumbler?

Despite its silica content, Petoskey stone is too soft to be put in a rock tumbler; it will be damaged. In addition to self-collecting specimens]