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What is the user agent string for IE?

What is the user agent string for IE?

Get latest user agents for Internet Explorer via API

Browser OS Latest Internet Explorer User Agent
Internet Explorer 11 Windows 8.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Internet Explorer 11 Windows 10 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

What are user agent strings?

A browser’s User-Agent string (UA) helps identify which browser is being used, what version, and on which operating system. Like all other browsers, Chrome for Android sends this information in the User-Agent HTTP header every time it makes a request to any site.

How do I find user agent in Internet Explorer?

Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer To open them, click the settings menu and select “F12 Developer Tools” or just press F12 on your keyboard. The developer tools will open in a separate pane at the bottom of the window. Click the “Emulation” tab and choose a user agent from the “User agent string” box.

What is the User Agent for ie11?

The user agent application is Mozilla version 5.0.

What is user agent in API?

The User-Agent request header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent.

Is user agent necessary?

Knowing the user agent can be very useful in debugging edge cases where some clients fail and other succeed. While it may be possible communicate without the User-Agent it is abnormal. I don’t see a particular issue with failing when it is missing. Use appropriate testing tools and the User-Agent will be set.

How do I change user-agent in IE11?

2 Answers

  1. Open up the tools with f12 or using the gear icon in the top right and choosing F12 Developer Tools.
  2. Go to the Emulation tab, which looks like an “eject” button for some reason.
  3. In the Mode section of the tab, set the pulldown for User Agent to what you want.

How to change the user agent string in Internet Explorer 11?

To change the User Agent string in Internet Explorer 11, do the following. Type the text below in the IE address bar and press Enter on the keyboard: about:flags. There you will find the Custom User Agent section. Modify it according your personal needs.

What is the IE user-agent string and why does it matter?

Today we’re going to discuss the IE User-Agent String – a term with which more administrators are becoming familiar since the launch of IE7. The User-Agent string identifies your browser to the server hosting the site that you are visiting. This allows the web server to provide content that is tailored for the specific browser being used.

What is the user-agent (UA) string?

The User-Agent (or UA) string is sent along in the headers of every HTTP request so the server knows what type of browser is making the request. When you visit a webpage, your browser sends the user-agent string to the server hosting the site that you are visiting.

How do I Find my browser’s user agent string?

If a string value is added to the Post-Platform The second method to determine your browser’s user-agent string, is to use a javascript command from within the browser. Type the following command (which is case-sensitive) into the address bar: javascript:alert (navigator.userAgent) .