Common questions

What is UGA first look?

What is UGA first look?

UGA First Look is a special visitation program for select high school students and their guest(s) for 10th thru 12th grade students. EMBARK Georgia, in conjunction with the Office of Admissions and Embark@UGA, is hosting this exciting event to offer you a glimpse into what opportunities await you in Athens.

What does UGA look for in applicants?

At UGA, the only minimum score requirements in place are the ones required by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia for admission to its research universities: that is, an SAT-EBRW of 480 and SAT-Math of 440, or subscores of 17 on both the English and Math sections of the ACT.

Does UGA consider legacy?

Legacy does not play a role in the admission process to UGA. All applicants have an equal opportunity to get admitted regardless of whether or not there is a family history of attending UGA. UGA will use ALL of my classes in calculating my GPA for admission.

Does UGA look at weighted or unweighted GPA?

At UGA, we look at individual grades, and if a school does not add weight to the individual grades, we will then add . 5 to each AP or IB grade (4 point scale used), so a B grade would go from a 3.0 to a 3.5.

Can you get into UGA with a 3.7 GPA?

How to Get Into Georgia: The Admissions Criteria. Georgia is one of the more competitive public colleges or universities in the US, with a 53.90% acceptance rate, an average of 1240 on the SAT, an average of 29 on the ACT and an rough average unweighted GPA of 3.7 (unofficial).

Is University of Georgia hard to get into?

The University of Georgia (UGA) is a highly competitive public research university located in Athens, Georgia. UGA is often cited as having an acceptance rate of 48 or 49 percent; however, the acceptance rate for the class of 2023 was around 45 percent. All of this means: getting accepted to UGA is difficult.

Can I get into UGA with a 3.7 GPA unweighted?

What is the average GPA at UGA?

The average GPA at UGA is 4. With a GPA of 4, UGA requires you to be at the top of your class. You’ll need nearly straight A’s in all your classes to compete with other applicants. Furthermore, you should be taking hard classes – AP or IB courses – to show that college-level academics is a breeze.

Is UGA a hard school?

UGA is most certainly an academically challenging school. The majors are extremly competitive.

What is average GPA for GA?

Applicants require exceptionally good grades to get into Georgia. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at University of Georgia was 3.86 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily A- students are accepted and ultimately attend.

What is the lowest GPA to get into UGA?

How to get into University of Georgia (UGA)

  • Score at least a 1240 on the SAT or 87 on the ACT.
  • Maintain a GPA of at least a 4.0.