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What was the significance of the 1968 Glomar Challenger expedition?

What was the significance of the 1968 Glomar Challenger expedition?

It investigated some 624 sites in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, not only revealing the presence of deep ocean salt domes (which themselves may indicate the presence of oil) but also supporting the theory of plate tectonics by providing evidence of continental drift and seafloor renewal.

What is significant about the Glomar Challenger?

Above: The Glomar Challenger was the first research vessel specifically designed in the late 1960s for the purpose of drilling into and taking core samples from the deep ocean floor.

What were Glomar Challenger and joides resolution?

With the advent of larger and more advanced drilling ships, the JOIDES Resolution replaced the Glomar Challenger in January 1985. The new program, called the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), continued exploration from 1985 to 2003, at which point it was replaced by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP).

What was the significance of the drill cores taken of the seafloor by the research drilling vessel called Challenger in 1968?

The core samples retrieved provided definitive proof for continential drift and seafloor renewal at rift zones. This confirmation of Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift strengthened the proposal of a single, ancient land mass, which is called Pangaea.

Was Glomar Challenger a successful mission?

Scrapping. After being operated for fifteen years, Glomar Challenger’s active duty was ended during November 1983 and she was later scrapped. Her successor, JOIDES Resolution, was launched during 1985. The ship was a success in collecting rock samples and helped to confirm the Messinian Salinity Crisis theory.

Who made the Glomar Challenger?

Levingston Shipbuilding Company
Glomar Challenger/Builders

When scientists analyzed drilling samples from the Glomar Challenger study which discovery?

When scientists analyzed drilling samples from the Glomar Challenger study, which discovery did they make about rocks in relation to a mid-ocean ridge? Rocks closer to the ridge are newer.

Was the Glomar Challenger a success how so *?

Are there humans living under the sea?

New Study Finds Group of People Are Genetically Adapted for Life Underwater. The Bajau Laut have been sea nomads for centuries. In the waters they call home around the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, they dive to incredible depths for pearls and for food, living off the sea like no other community on earth.

What does Glomar stand for?

GLOMAR. Global Low Orbiting Message Relay Satellite.

Who built the globalglomar Challenger?

Glomar Challenger. The drillship was designed by Global Marine Inc. (now Transocean Inc.) specifically for a long term contract with the American National Science Foundation and University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography and built by Levingston Shipbuilding Company in Orange, Texas.

What is the cost of the Glomar Challenger?

For the deep-sea oceanographic research and scientific drilling vessel, see Glomar Challenger. >$350 million (1974) (>$1.44 billion in 2019 dollars.) .

How much did the Hughes Glomar Explorer cost?

The ship was built as Hughes Glomar Explorer in 1971 and 1972 by Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. for more than US$350 million (about $1.4 billion in 2019) at the direction of Howard Hughes for use by his company, Global Marine Development Inc. It began operation on 20 June 1974.

What did Glomar Challenger bring to paleontology?

As Glomar Challenger recovered Cenozoic biogenic and clastic sedimentary successions from six drillholes in the Southern Ocean and four in the Ross Sea, it was instantly apparent to the paleontology group that we had entered a distinctly different paleo-biological world from that we were accustomed to back home, way to the north.