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When should I apply apistan?

When should I apply apistan?

Apistan can be used at any time of year but its use is recommended in late summer after the honey harvest. The active ingredient, fluvalinate, is supplied as impregnated polymer strips, two of which are hung vertically in the brood box, between frames 3 & 4 and 7 & 8.

Is apistan the same as Apivar?

Apistan works to kill mites by exciting their nervous system to exhaustion. Apivar causes excitation, then paralysis of mites. In both cases, mites fall off the backs of bees and cannot climb back. Apistan and Apivar do not directly kill Varroa mites.

What are apistan strips?

The Apistan Strip is an impregnated PVC resin formulation for the control of Varroa mites in honey bee colonies. The active ingredient in the strip is 10% fluvalinate. These plastic strips are of light golden color and low odor, measuring 250mm in length, 30mm in width and 1mm thick.

What is the best treatment for varroa mites?

Oxalic acid is one of the best ways to manage your varroa populations in your hive. Oxalic acid kills 90-99% of the phoretic mites in your beehive. To reach these levels of effectiveness, however, the colony must be broodless.

When can I use Apiguard?

A: Apiguard can be applied at any time of day but for best results treat colonies in the late afternoon or evening when the temperature is lower and the bees are in, or returning to the hive.

Can you feed with apistan?

Yes. The question you ought to be asking is why on earth are you using Apistan? It is 1) an older chemical known to accumulate in wax, and 2) not effective in many areas due to resistance.

Which varroa treatment is best?

Top 10 Best Treatment for Varroa Mites in Beehives (2021)

  • Mite Away Quick Strips.
  • Mann Lake DC301 Hop Guard Varroa Mite Treatment.
  • Mann Lake DC-799 Apivar.
  • Blythewood Bee Company Apiguard Pack for Varroa Mite Treatment.
  • Oxalic Acid Vaporizer DIY Kit.
  • Blythewood Bee Company NoVarroa Oxalic Acid Vaporizer.

What is the best Varroa mite treatment?

How do you get rid of varroa mites naturally?

The most common, natural approach to treating bees with varroa mites is to dust them with powdered sugar. After the sugar is applied, the bees will immediately start grooming themselves and each other in an effort to remove the sugar from their bodies. In doing this, they knock off the mites.

Can you eat honey treated with oxalic acid?

The honey is not at all unsafe to consume. The treatment for varroa mites using oxalic acid is permitted by the EPA with a condition that supers not be in place during the treatment process.

When should I remove Apiguard?

It can take from 2 to 10 days for Apiguard to be removed from the tray/dosing tray. The gel will reduce as vapour is given off and as the bees detect the “foreign material” and try to remove it. At high temperatures the vapours are stronger. The bees will find the gel and try to clean it up quickly.

How do you use Apistan for Varroa control?

How to use Apistan for Varroa Control. Insert two strips in the brood box for a period of six weeks (two brood cycles). The strips should be inserted, spaced apart hanging on different frames fairly centrally in the brood nest where bees will walk over them. Apistan should not be used during a honeyflow.

What is Apistan strip?

The Apistan Strip is an impregnated PVC resin formulation for the control of Varroa mites in honey bee colonies. The active ingredient in the strip is 10% fluvalinate. These plastic strips are of light golden color and low odor, measuring 250mm in length, 30mm in width and 1mm thick.

How does Apistan work to control mites?

Apistan® controls mites as bees come in contact with the strip. Featuring the active ingredient tau-fluvalinate, Apistan® strips provide up to 8 weeks of control. When the bees interact within the strip, the active ingredient is released to control mites. Apistan® protects the whole hive from the Varroa mites.

Can Apistan be used during a Honeyflow?

Apistan should not be used during a honeyflow. As the bees come into contact with the Apistan strip, they pick up a minute amount of tau-fluvalinate – whilst another similar minute quantity emerges from within the strip to take its place on the surface becoming available for other passing bees.