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Where is Gotland on the map?

Where is Gotland on the map?

Gotland is an island in the Baltic Sea approximately 90 km off the eastern coast of Sweden. It has been inhabited for a long time, probably dating back to the Stone Age. Today there are more than 40,000 ancient sites to be found on Gotland, and the main town, Visby, with its medieval walls, has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What is the population of Gotland in Sweden?

The population is 58,595, of which about 23,600 live in Visby, the main town. Outside Visby, there are minor settlements and a mainly rural population. The island of Gotland and the other areas of the province of Gotland make up less than one percent of Sweden’s total land area.

What is the province of Gothenburg in Sweden?

The province includes the small islands of Fårö and Gotska Sandön to the north, as well as the Karlsö Islands, (Lilla and Stora) to the west, which are even smaller.

What are the sea stacks of Gotland?

The sea stacks – or ‘raukar’ as they’re called in Swedish – found on the rocky east coast is an almost otherworldly sight to behold. Gotland is an island in the Baltic Sea approximately 90 km off the eastern coast of Sweden. It has been inhabited for a long time, probably dating back to the Stone Age.

What are the sports events on Gotland?

Events Gotland competes in the biennial Island Games, which it hosted in 1999 and 2017. Round Gotland Race-sailing event (“ÅF Offshore Race”) starting at Stockholm, around the island of Gotland and back. Gotland Grand National (GGN) is an annual enduro race on Gotland. Stånga Games are annual games for Gotlandic sports.

What is Gotland famous for?

Today there are more than 40,000 ancient sites to be found on Gotland, and the main town, Visby, with its medieval walls, has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Gotland has amazing natural scenery and since it’s mostly flat, it is a cyclist’s dream destination.

What are the best restaurants on Gotland?

Among Gotland’s many great restaurants, make sure to visit Lilla Bjers, situated about 7 km south of Visby. They serve up vegetables exclusively harvested in the restaurant’s own organic farm, while meat and dairy are sourced via small-scale producers on the island.