
Where is Lindsell Train Global Equity based?

Where is Lindsell Train Global Equity based?

Key facts

Michael Lindsell
Manager start date 18/03/2011
Manager located in London

Who owns Lindsell Train Ltd?

Lindsell Train Limited continues to be majority owned by the two founders, with The Lindsell Train Investment Trust plc (a London-listed closed end fund, which was established in 2000 to help fund the asset management company and to seed new products) owning the largest minority stake.

What type of fund is Lindsell Train Global Equity?


Fund status Open
Morningstar category Global Large-Cap Growth Equity
Performance fee No
Fund provider Lindsell Train Ltd
Share class launch date 16 Mar 2011

How do I invest in Lindsell trains?

How to invest in Lindsell Train funds

  1. 1Choose funds that match your investment goals.
  2. 2Select an account you want to invest in.
  3. 3Open an account with as little as £25 a month or a lump sum of £100.

Is Lindsell Train an investment trust?

The Lindsell Train Investment Trust plc was established to help support the business of the investment management company Lindsell Train Limited (“LTL”) and to provide investors with the opportunity to share in LTL’s potential growth.

When did Michael Lindsell start Lindsell Train limited?

After relocating to the UK in 1997, he was appointed head of the combined global product team following the acquisition of GT by INVESCO in 1998. 18 months later, Michael left to establish Lindsell Train Limited, together with Nick Train in 2000.

Who is the Lindsell Train investment adviser?

Michael Lindsell is the Investment Adviser to the Lindsell Train Japanese Equity and Global Equity Funds. Michael’s career and interest in Japanese equities started over 20 years ago at Lazard Brothers.

What does Lindsey train do?

Lindsell Train specializes in the discretionary management of UK, Japanese and Global equity mandates.

What is the Lindsell Train global equity fund’s investment objective?

Investment Analyst Henry Ince shares our analysis on the managers, process, culture, cost and performance of the Lindsell Train Global Equity fund. The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve capital and income growth over the long term. This data is provided by Funds Library.