
Where should I place my Boston fern?

Where should I place my Boston fern?

Boston ferns do best in bright, indirect light. Too much shade can result in sparse fronds that aren’t their typical bright color. And too much sun can burn the fronds. So both outdoors and indoors, make sure direct sunlight won’t hit your plant.

Will Boston ferns survive winter?

A: Assuming you have Boston ferns on your porch, as many people do, you’ll have to bring them indoors for the winter. They can not survive temperatures below 40 degrees F. Keep a pair of scissors handy to prune fronds which inevitably turn brown during the winter.

How much sunlight does a Boston fern need?

The plant benefits from bright, indirect light during fall and winter. A location where the plant gets at least two hours of indirect sunlight per day, preferably in the morning or late afternoon, is ideal. Boston fern light conditions must change when sunlight is more intense in spring and summer.

Are Boston ferns hard to care for?

Compared to other types of ferns, the Boston offer gardener’s easy maintenance and good growth during the spring and summer season. While some species might never recover from neglect, the Boston fern is very hardy, and some water and fertilizer are all you need to return it to its former glory.

Should I mist my Boston fern?

Boston ferns need a cool place with high humidity and indirect light. When you care for Boston fern plants indoors, it’s a good idea to provide additional humidity for them, especially in the winter. You can also try lightly misting your fern once or twice a week to help it get the humidity it needs.

When can I put my Boston fern outside?

They grow best when temperatures reach no higher than 75 degrees during the day and 65 degrees at night. A temperature of 95 degrees or higher may kill a Boston fern. Outdoors they should be placed in a sheltered spot where the temperature does not get this hot.

Can I leave my Boston fern outside in the winter?

Boston ferns can survive outside temperatures of 46 degrees F, but a sudden drop in temperatures may damage the foliage by causing misshapen fronds and crinkled leaflets.

Can Boston ferns be left outside?

Can a Boston Fern be Grown Outside? Although Boston fern is often grown as a houseplant, it thrives outdoors in warm, humid climates in USDA zones 9-11. With adequate moisture, the plant may tolerate drier climates. Frost may kill the fern to the ground, but it will rebound in spring.

Can you overwater a fern?

Overwatering causes the fronds to yellow and wilt and may eventually lead to root rot and fungal diseases, especially if the pot is allowed to sit in water. Too little water also causes wilt. But you also can increase humidity around the ferns by placing the pots on a pebble-lined tray.

How often do Boston ferns need to be watered?

Boston Ferns enjoy weekly watering sessions, keeping their soil moist but not wet. Allow the top 2′ of soil to dry out between waterings during winter.

How often should I water Boston fern?

Water the fern when the soil becomes damp. Do not allow the soil to dry out. This may mean watering twice a week or daily in hot weather. The frequency will change depending on the temperature and moisture in your home.

How do you tell if fern is overwatered?

The first sign that a fern is overwatered is usually yellowing or wilted leaves. One surefire way to determine if it’s time to water a Boston fern is to touch the soil with your fingertip. If the surface of the soil feels slightly dry, it’s time to give the plant a drink.