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Who are the Afrikaners and where did they come from?

Who are the Afrikaners and where did they come from?

Afrikaners (Afrikaans: [afriˈkɑːnərs]) are a South African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers first arriving at the Cape of Good Hope in the 17th and 18th centuries. They traditionally dominated South Africa’s politics and commercial agricultural sector prior to 1994.

Where did the Voortrekkers come from?

Voortrekker, Afrikaans: Pioneer, Leading Migrant, or “those who go ahead”, any of the Boers (Dutch settlers or their descendants), or, as they came to be called in the 20th century, Afrikaners, who left the British Cape Colony in Southern Africa after 1834 and migrated into the interior Highveld north of the Orange …

Where did the Trekboers come from?

The Trekboers (/ˈtrɛkbuːrs/ Afrikaans: Trekboere) were nomadic pastoralists descended from European settlers on the frontiers of the Dutch Cape Colony in Southern Africa.

Where did the Voortrekkers settle?

The founders – variously named Trekboers, Boers and Voortrekkers – settled mainly in the middle, northern, north-eastern and eastern parts of present-day South Africa.

Who are the Afrikaners and where did they emigrate from?

The Afrikaners are a South African ethnic group who are descended from 17th century Dutch, German, and French settlers to South Africa. The Afrikaners slowly developed their own language and culture when they came into contact with Africans and Asians. The word “Afrikaners” means “Africans” in Dutch.

Why did South Africa have apartheid?

Strategists in the National Party invented apartheid as a means to cement their control over the economic and social system. Initially, aim of the apartheid was to maintain white domination while extending racial separation. With the enactment of apartheid laws in 1948, racial discrimination was institutionalized.

Where did the Voortrekkers cross the Drakensberg?

Retief issued a proclamation in February 1837 explaining the trekkers’ reasons for leaving the colony. North of the Orange River his party merged with other trekkers, and he was elected governor and head commandant. Under Retief they crossed the Drakensberg into Natal (October 1837).

How many Voortrekkers left the Cape?

Great Trek, Afrikaans Groot Trek, the emigration of some 12,000 to 14,000 Boers from Cape Colony in South Africa between 1835 and the early 1840s, in rebellion against the policies of the British government and in search of fresh pasturelands.

What was the meaning of Trek Gees which the Trekboers referred to?

spirit of moving
The Trek Boers were keen on hunting and enjoyed the freedom of moving around. They called this ‘trek gees’, meaning the ‘spirit of moving’. They were tough adventurers, poorly educated but very religious. They called themselves ‘Afrikanders’ at first but were later known as the ‘Afrikaners’.

Which African tribe lived between Natal and the Orange Free State?

In 1833, the Boers began an exodus into African tribal territory, where they founded the republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State.

Where is the Bantu homeland?

South Africa
Bantustan, also known as Bantu homeland, South Africa homeland, or Black state, any of 10 former territories that were designated by the white-dominated government of South Africa as pseudo-national homelands for the country’s Black African (classified by the government as Bantu) population during the mid- to late 20th …