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How do you use Paraventure in a sentence?

How do you use Paraventure in a sentence?

Peradventure in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Her peradventure about the exam made her doubt her ability on standardized tests.
  2. The stock broker’s peradventure of the investment caused uncertainty and insecurity.
  3. His peradventure regarding his college major lead to much hesitation after high school.

What means the same as sagacity?

Words related to sagacity acumen, astuteness, brains, comprehension, discernment, discrimination, enlightenment, experience, foresight, insight, intelligence, judgment, knowledge, perceptiveness, perspicacity, practicality, prudence, sapience, sense, shrewdness.

What does Coverchief mean?

covering for the head
Definition of coverchief : a covering for the head also : handkerchief.

How do you use peradventure?

adverb. Perhaps. ‘The story begins with Balak, king of the Moabites, entreating Balaam to ‘curse me this people for he is too mighty for me: peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite him, and that I may drive him out of the land ‘.

What victuals means?

1 : food usable by people. 2 victuals\ ˈvi-​tᵊlz \ plural : supplies of food : provisions. victual. verb. victualed or victualled; victualing or victualling.

Does sagacity mean wisdom?

The Latin word sagācitās is the great-granddaddy of our word sagacity, giving it the meaning “wisdom.” Just remember that it contains the word sage, which means “wise one” — our wise ancestors were called “Sages.” But before we get too puffed up, we need to remember that in the 17th and 18th centuries, sagacity meant ” …

What is the definition of Peradventure?

Definition of peradventure (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : doubt a fact established beyond peradventure 2 : chance sense 4a beyond peradventure of doubt

What is the meaning of the word beyond adventure?

Noun: 1. peradventure – doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case; “this proves beyond peradventure that he is innocent”

How mentally stimulating is a paraventure?

Paraventure’s are typically about as mentally stimulating as the feeling in ones legs after the spinal chord has been severed just above the waistline. Day 1: Today I started my blog!!

Do paraventures lead to death?

In some cases paraventures can lead to premature death from loneliness or worse, facebook defriending and social network rejection or “hiding” by peers. Paraventure’s are typically about as mentally stimulating as the feeling in ones legs after the spinal chord has been severed just above the waistline.