
Why is BIO-GRO banned?

Why is BIO-GRO banned?

As of July 2014, both the United States Anti-Doping Agency as well as the World Anti-Doping Agency added IGF-1 to their respective lists of banned substances. Therefore, supplementing with Bio-Gro is illegal in natural bodybuilding organizations as well as in Olympic competition.

How does BIO-GRO work?

Basically according to iSatori the supplement is said to, “provide a supra-physiological effect that, once consumed, signals the body to amplify its natural protein synthesis process, helping you develop lean muscle and recover faster from intense workouts. Bio-Gro’s results are not as heavy as it’s price.

When to take iSatori BIO-GRO?

Follow daily useage chart for optimal results and ensure one serving is taken before, during or after your workout. BIO-GRO is available as an unflavored or flavored powder that can be taken anytime with or without food.

Is Bio Gro good for you?

BIO-GRO is backed by scientific studies and research To date, there are over 32 clinical studies, conducted from 1990 to 2011, which demonstrate the positive effects of the primary ingredient inside BIO-GRO, including improvements in lean body mass, performance, recovery, strength, and immune function.

What is bio-Gro and how does it work?

BIO-GRO is the true catalyst to help drive lean muscle growth, improved strength and decreased recovery time What does BIO-GRO do? Assists your body to signal and accelerate the rate at which it processes the building and re-building of muscle tissue, called protein synthesis, to help improve strength.

How to use isatori bio-Gro?

Customer Review: iSatori Bio-Gro Protein Synthesis Amplifier – Designed To Build Lean Muscle, Speed Recovery And I… As a dietary supplement, adults mix 1 serving of BIO-GRO™ twice daily in 3-4 oz of liquid (such as amino acid, pre-workout drink, or protein shake) and thoroughly agitate or blend, or mix in soft food (yogurt, oatmeal, etc.).

How much bio-GRO is equivalent to whey?

That is because one small scoop (1.5 grams) of BIO-GRO contains the equivalent bio-actives as 25 grams of whey protein concentrate. That makes BIO-GRO nearly half the cost, on a serving-per-serving basis, of regular whey protein powders.

How many studies have been done on bio-Gro?

There are over 32 published clinical studies that back up the demonstrated benefits of the primary ingredient in BIO-GRO. And more importantly, these studies were conducted mostly on well-trained athletes, participants who traditionally show less positive effects compared to untrained individuals. More expert opinions.